Futsal Session (Junior): GFA GKP 1v1/Balls Over Defense

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Pro-Club: Guam Football Association

Ross Awa

Profile Summary

Ross Awa
Name: Ross Awa
City: Dededo
Country: Guam
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Session created by Keleko and Sean

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up
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Warm-Up (10 mins)

Set up as illustrated:

4 GK's required in order for this to work 

Set 1:

GK will distribute ground passes then follow their pass. See arrows for pattern.

Set 2: 

GK will distribute a ground shot then receive and roll. GK to follow the roll. See arrows for pattern.

Set 3:

GK will distribute a shot to use the cup technique *can use a bounced ball*, handle the ball and then roll. GK to follow the roll. See arrows for pattern. 

Set 4:

GK will distribute a volley for the GK top use the W-technique, can use a toss to ensure success in the younger groups, GK will look to throw to the other server. GK to follow the toss throw.

Set 5:

GK will give a highball for the GK to collect the ball at its highest point, Again GK will throw and follow the throw.

Do agility warm up after this. 

If there are less than 4 GK's a group the GKC will adapt on the fly.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU pt. 2 + Introduction of the 5-Point block

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU pt. 2 + Introduction of the 5-Point block
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WU pt. 2 + Introduction of the 5-Point block (10 mins)

GK will work on footwork and positioning in relation to the shot.

To start GK's will do a movement on the ball in front of them. When coach calls a number that was assigned to them, the GK will check in front of the ball they are working on and receive a pass

Movements: (3-5 services per GK, per movement)

Toe taps

Toetaps clockwise

toetaps counter clockwise

Toetaps forward and backward

Toetaps side to side


Knee on ball

Progression would be a shot to for the GK to handle

Progression 2 would be a high ball for the GK to collect

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Smothering Ball

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Smothering Ball
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Smothering Ball (10 mins)

- On GK coach's signal, both players will race towards the ball. One GK will smother the ball and other GK will act as a striker and jump over or around GK that is smothering to put them in a game like situation. 

- GK's will then alternate roles. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): SA pt. 1

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): SA pt. 1
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SA pt. 1 (10 mins)

- Each GK will have up to 6-7 balls in one round. 

- GK coach will move to a ball and either shoot or take a touch forward. 

- GK will have to save the shot if it is a shot. and if it is a touch forward, GK will sprint and smother the ball. 

- You could have other GK's as rebounders and also play them the ball so GK will have to position themselves correctly and make the save. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): SA pt. 2

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): SA pt. 2
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SA pt. 2 (10 mins)

Set up shown above:

GK will play the ball to the rebounder, the rebounder will deflect the ball into the space in and around the GK. The GK will then access the flight of the ball to decide to stay or to go. In this case the GK will go because there is no immediate threat yet. Once the GK collects the ball the repetition is done.

Progression 1:

Same as the previous, but in this instance the GK must decide whether to stay or go. The other GK next to the rebounder will press the ball that is being played. The GK will have until the markers to shoot. It is important that the GK shooting does not pass the marker. 

Progression 2:

Same as the previous, just adding the GKC having a shot after the rebounded ball is collected and given back to the server.

Progression 3:

Same as the previous, Now distributing to an open player after the GKC's shot

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