Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Keron Doldron - Video Analysis Session - Possession (relieving pressure)

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Keron Doldron

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Keron Doldron
Name: Keron Doldron
City: Plainfield
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up (15 mins)


30x20 yard area

Each player has a ball


Player react to the call of the coach.

The coach calls out a number and the player does the action which relates to this number.

1 - right foot on top of the ball

2 - left foot on top of the ball

3 - Feint move to right side

4 - Feint move to left side

5 - perform dragback/pullback with right foot

6 - perform dragback/pullback with left foot

7 - outside cut with either foot

8 - inside cut with either foot

9 - scissor move

10 - toe touches & boxes

11 - cryuff turn

Coaching Points:

Keep ball close to ensure quick reactions to the coach's call.

Keep head up when dribbling as to not crash with other players.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession warm-up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession warm-up
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Possession warm-up (15 mins)


- 20 x 30 area

- 2 balls

- 2 defending players (holding pinny in hand)


- Open touches

- Players move around the area attepting to keep the ball away from defending players.

- Defending players attempt to touch the ball. If done, he/she drops pinny and the last attacking player to have the ball picks it up and becomes the defender.

Coaching Points:

- Creating proper supporting angles and clear passing lanes.


- Limited to 1 touch

- Additional defender

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Relieving pressure

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Relieving pressure
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Relieving pressure (15 mins)


- 10 x 20 area (repeat x 3)

- 4 players per area

- 1 ball per area


- Players are supporting the player in possesion of the ball.

- The player in possesion is given three options, with two short passes and one ground/lobbing diagonal ball, if chosen.

- Players ( 1, 2 & 3) make three short, quick passes and then look for the ground/lobbing diagonal pass to the target player (4).

- Players are allowed 2 touches at the outside cones and 1 touch at the middle cones.

- Players adjust according to the movement of the ball to ensure the starting shape is always kept.

Coaching Points:

- When ball is at either of the outside cones the movement of the players should always provide three options for the player in possession of the ball.

- When moving to provide support, ensure your back is never turned on the ball to ensure you're aware of what's developing.


- semi-opposed pressure (1 player)

- fully-opposed pressure (1 player)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Condition game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Condition game
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Condition game (15 mins)


- 20 x 25 area (divided as shown)

- 3 teams of 4 players

- Attacking areas (4 attackers + 1 defender)

- Defending area (2 defending players)

- 1 ball


- Teams on the end are attacking while the team in the middle are defending.

- Attacking teams have to make a minimum of 3 passes in their area before attempting to relieve pressure.

- Attacking players have a maximum of 1 touch with the exceptions of a preparation touch when attempting to relieve pressure and a receiving touch when ball is played from the other side.

- The defending team changes if the ball is knocked outside or the defending team touches the ball.

- The new defending team will be determined by the attacking team which loses possession.

- The defending team gains a point if they can gain possession and get it to the coach.

- The attacking team gains a point if pressure is successfully relieved.

Coaching Points:

- If ball is in your area, you should be aware of what's developing in your area and also the movement of the players in the other attacking area (supporting players). Also, because the activity is fully opposed, you should also be aware of where the defending player is in the other attacking area.

- If the ball is not in your attacking area you should be making movements to open up passing lanes to provide support to player in possession of the ball.

- Ensure when attempting to relieve pressure


- 2 defending players in each attacking area (make two 12 x 20 areas)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SCRIMMAGE

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SCRIMMAGE
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SCRIMMAGE (15 mins)


- Looking out for and applauding scissor move and also the feint move (from previous session) when executed.

- Attempts are to be applauded just as much as executions.

- Enthusiasm and encouragement of players to have a high intensity scrimmage.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button