Hockey Session (Under 10s): P5 & P6 Session 1 28/29 Aug 2023 (Start Time: 2023-08-28 14:10:00)

Profile Summary

R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
Name: R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
City: Cape Town
Country: South Africa
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Small games to work on ball-carrying, passing, receiving and scanning skills. 

Please do use the time to coach players the skills you want them to use in their Saturday fixtures. 

Feel free to stop the games and show the players a skill or pull a player out of the game to help them while everyone else carries on

Focus on hand position on the stick (split grip)

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1
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Activity 1 (10 mins)

Raid the Nest  

6 teams of pairs with 20 balls in centre

6 cones on the outside of the pitch and a central nest with all 20 balls

Players must run to the Nest, grab a ball and dribble it back to their nest

They may only take one ball at a time and may not steal from anyone else

They may not pass to their teammates

Once all the balls are gone from the Nest, teams must count the number of balls in their box. 

Highest score wins.

Change it up: players can steal balls from other teams' nests but not the nests NEXT to theirs - no tackling

Change it up: allow tackling anywhere outside the nests in the field of play

FOCUS:After each round, allow the teams to form a strategy and play the game again. 

Get some feedback from them after the strategy round about HOW / IF they were better etc.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2
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Activity 2 (10 mins)

Move that ball!

3x3 cones of different colours

4 teams of 3 

Each player has 3 balls (9 per group)

Player 1 carries ball 1 to 1st cone, sprint back, collect ball 2 and carry to 2nd cone, sprint back, collect ball 3 and carry to 3rd cone 

Player 2 and 3 repeat

Player 1 then collects ball from cone 1, carries it back to their team, sprints to cone 2, collects ball, repeats

First team with all their balls back at their team base wins

Change it: Players have to dribble ball in and out of cones to the top cone, then push pass the ball back to the next player (accuracy etc)

Can also use the SWEEP if you can work on the basics of it with the players, this would be a great coaching opportunity 

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Games 4v4

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Games 4v4
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Games 4v4 (10 mins)

4v4 Squares Games 1/8th pitches

Rules Game 1:  

Players score a point by getting the balls into either of their squares either by dribbling in or passing to their teammate, at any angle. Bibs score in Red square, Non-Bibs into Yellow

Players cannot be tackled in the squares but can only spend 5 seconds in a square. Encourage self-pass

If they score, they leave the ball for the other team and drop into defensive play

Rules Game 2:

Teams must get the ball into each square either by carrying or passing to team mate. 

If they get a point in all 4 squares, they score a GOAL

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button