Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Pre Season - Session 4 Pysical Endurance

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Craig Filer

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Craig Filer
Name: Craig Filer
City: Melbourne
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation and Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activation and Warm Up
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Activation and Warm Up (90 mins)

Session Area

Circle area

Set Up

All players in circle together going through core movements

10 x back rolls knee to chest

10 x scorpion back stretch

10 x on knees opposite hand and leg out (stabilisation across the hips)

3 x plank holding for 10 seconds

10 x 6 inches - leg into chest and switch - slow movement

4 x push ups - tighten glutes when doing so

6 x once 1 leg and straight for 5 seconds

On knees - knee to chest and kick out

Stabilisation exercises

Standing - lift one knee up - close eyes for 5 seconds x 3 each leg

Balance on one leg - gentle squat - 5 x each leg

Standing straight - turn and squat x 10

Hamstring stretch partner holding back of legs x 3 reps right up

Dynamic movement

Using hurdles - 4 hurdles per group

Hurdle Walk - knee up and over, trailing leg follows in sideway movement

Two forward - One back

Opening the gate

Closing the gate

Side Leg Swings

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ball Mastery Warm up
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Ball Mastery Warm up (90 mins)

Session Area

5x5 yard areas with players in lines of 4.

Set Up

Players perform numerous ball mastery skills on the ball on coaches demands including:

Tick tocks (no looking at ball)

toe taps (no looking at ball) - moving forward and backwards

Drags outside to inside both feet

Sole taps with partner using same foot - first to 50 wins! - sole taps rotating both sides on coaches call

On coaches shout of switch players continue movements but turning 90 degrees.

Key Points

Speed of movements to ensure speed being worked on.


On coaches shout whilst performing a certain skill players move onto ball in front with players at front having to sprint to the back. Competitione between players to ensure a winner.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Reaction Speed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Reaction Speed
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Reaction Speed (90 mins)

Session Area

30 m area with two sides with players facing each other

Set Up

Players move with fast feet facing each other. On coaches shout of change players go back to back. Change again they turn to face each other. One line of cones will be red and other yellow. On coaches shout it is a race to that colour cone with first player to touch with hands wins.

Key Points

Players speed reaction to coaches calls


First player to go 3-0 up wins.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speed with and without the ball

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speed with and without the ball
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Speed with and without the ball (90 mins)

Session Area

4 coned off areas with a disstance of 20m between. Players split into 4 sides. With one player from each side in a different grid.

Set Up

Players simply start from number 1 box. Player in this box sprints to number 2 tag, number 3 tag and to number 4 who returns to number 1 box.

Key Points

Speed between gates of players.


Progress to dribbling a ball going box to box ensuring ball is stopped in box before next player goes.

Progress to players in all areas have to keep the ball up and bass to next player once he gets to zone.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1s

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1s
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1v1s (90 mins)

Session Area

25x25 m area.

Set Up

Yellow comes out with the ball to score but must be in the final 5 yard zone to do so. As soon as player has shot a red comes out with the ball who tries to score and now yellow becomes the defender.

This continues to rotate for a total of 2:30 minutes. Team with most goals wins.

Key Points

Speed and disguise on ball attempting to shift player to score.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Games

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Games
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Small Sided Games (90 mins)

Session Area

25m x 25m 4v4 4 goal game

Set Up

Players must be 2m close to a goal for goal to count. Players assigned specific partner who if scores opposition player must do 10 press ups.

Key Points

Awareness of four targets and dissguise on ball with a defender.


First to ten goals wins.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down and Recovery

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down and Recovery
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Cool Down and Recovery (90 mins)

Session Area

Two L shapes. Players split into two groups. Dynamic movement on the way out and gentle skip on the way back.

If to many players simply set out 20m straight - out dynamic movement way back gentle skip.

Gentle Dynamic movements at steady pace followed by floor based static stretching

Vital in order to dispurse lactoic acid and decrese chances of DOMS (delayed onset of muscle soreness).

Dynamic Movements:

Over the gate

Open the gate

Side Steps

Hand Tap

Lunge Walk

Kick Out

Hamstring Sweep

Players again in circle for static stretches all floor based including:

Roll Back

Knee to Chest

Back Twist

Groins - feet together


Lying Quad

Hip Flexor (Hands on hips)


Abductors (elbows to ground and leg out to side)

Calf stretch and calf cycles


Most importantly decrease risk of injury over pre season and whole season campaign.

All Players then to do ice baths - 3 minutes straight

Protein shake to be taken on board within 10 minutes of finalising session.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button