Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): UEFA B - Coach Task 4

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Kris Farren

Profile Summary

Kris Farren
Name: Kris Farren
City: Mynydd Isa
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer


Organisation (Practice Layout & Transition)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (15 mins)

Warm Up

  • 15 Mins - Freestyle 1 Bounce competition. 


  • Players will play 2min games of 1-bounce, winners will move up the ladder, losers move down. 
  • A fun way for players to get into a motivated and competitive spirit for the session. 
  • Each player has unlimited touches, however they must transfer the ball with good intentions to their partner. 
  • If a player cannot control the ball with one bounce or less, their opponent gets a point. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical
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Technical (20 mins)

Passing Pattern - Breaking Lines Technical - 12 Mins


  • Players are set up, spread out behind the four corner cones with four players occupying the square presented in the middle. 
  • In a figure of 8 shape, players pass the ball and follow their pass. 
  • Players 1 and 5 play the first pass at the same time. 
  • After players 2 and 6 have released the ball during the first rep, 2 more balls will be played from positions 1 and 5 to have 4 balls rolling at all times. 

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions)

  • Progressions can include one-twos as the corners, turns in the middle, weak foot passing, one and two touch conditions. 
  • Players can also be given almost autonomy during this drill, where they will decide what run they wish to make, what pass and how they will receive the ball. 
  • Targets can be set for players and the game can be made competitive too by setting a limit on mistakes or a target number of reps. 

Coaching Points

  • Focus must be on the pace of the ball, players position and body shape, and team communication and cohesion. 
  • The Drill focuses on breaking lines, so body position and angle to receive the ball in order to play forward is extremely important. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill
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Skill (20 mins)

General Practice: 4v4 (+3) - Breaking Lines In Possession - 20 mins


  • Team in Possession (Blues) must try to play from end to end, breaking the middle line with a pass, either to the magic man (green) or to their teammate in the opposite box. 
  • Players must learn to break the line playing up, round or through the opposition, who will be contesting to win the ball and play it to the coach at the sideline as fast as they can. 
  • Players will start the drill locked into their boxes. Every 5 mins teams will swap who is in possession. 

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions)

  • Players will be encouraged to break lines by dribbling as well as passing, a touch limit or time limit may be added, wide players will be allowed to step in with the ball. 


  • Players will have to count how many successful line breaks they can have, certain players will be required to count how many times they break a line themselves, and to keep score of the game. 
  • 1 point is awarded for a successful passage of play that moves from one yellow player to the other. 

Coaching Points

  • Body position, ball speed, ball striking, movement off ball, communication, play with purpose, creativity. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG 1
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SSG 1 (25 mins)

SSG: Break the lines - Playing Up, Round or Through the Thirds - 20 mins


  • 6 v 6 with the pitch split into thirds. 
  • The ball will always start with the GK, players must play the ball through all three thirds to get a shot on goal in the final third.
  • Initially, players will be locked into their zones, however the middle players can move anywhere on the pitch. 
  • When possession is lost, players must get the ball back to their GK before building up and breaking lines to go forwards, this can be done with a longer pass back to the GK. 

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions)

  • To progress, players will stop being locked in, anyone can go anywhere, dribbling through lines will be allowed as well as passing, shots will be allowed to be taken from any third. 
  • To keep the theme of breaking lines prevalent, goals where the ball has been passed through each third without skipping an area will will be worth two points.

Coaching Points 

  • Ball speed, passing detail, off ball movement, playing forwards, creativity. 
  • Feedback will be concurrent through the game, with terminal feedback delivered during the breaks between progressions. 
  • Should the coaching process need to be used, where a problem needs solved immediately, it will be utilised. 

Have fun and Score goals!!!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG 2
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SSG 2 (10 mins)

6 v 6 SSG No conditions

Challenges, Conditions or Targets

  • Can we break lines moving forwards without the aid of the thirds being visible??
  • Normal game otherwise with no conditions. 
  • Bonus points will be given to successful and outstanding line breaks

Have Fun and Score Goals!!

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