Hockey Session (Under 12s): EHF DribbleMania

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Edu-Club: SportWays SUPER Academy

Mateusz Grochal

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Mateusz Grochal
Name: Mateusz Grochal
City: Poznan
Country: Poland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): ABC 123

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): ABC 123
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ABC 123 (15 mins)


Players dribble the ball in the direction, that is decided by the coach. A race that creates dynamic reaction and coordination.


For this drill you need at least nine players, that create a square which can be increased by groups of 3 or 4. Players need to stand on cones that are formed in a shape of a square and have the same distance between them.

First, for kids to get the idea, coach calls out a number of a column, and that group of players needs to dribble the ball towards the last player in their row and then come back. Important thing it that players always move anti-clockwise so that they keep the ball on their forehand.

Second task is to dribble the ball in a column. Coach calls out a letter of a row (A,B or C), and that group of players needs to dribble the ball in their column always going anti-clockwise.

In the third part, coach calls out randomly letters or numbers in any order. This will force the players to think and pay attention during the exercise.


Make sure that players carry the ball infront of them in a neutral position, and make quick turns.

Position of the coach is important because of the call outs.


Players can go clockwise, using their bakchand.

Players do the slalom between cones and players standing on them.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Minefield

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Minefield
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Minefield (15 mins)


Player A has to dribble the ball through the minefield of cones, always choosing different ways. Ball control is the key.


Player A starts at the yellow cone, passes the ball to player B, runs to the next yellow cone, where he gets a pass back from B, while still in a movement. After that, player A has to dribble through the minefield of cones. If he touches any of the cones, player A needs to carry the ball to the right, around the blue cone, bringing it back to the initial spot. If he doesn't touch any cone he is allowed to shot on goal.

Player B after passing the ball gets in the initial position of player A.

All the other players should stand behind player B.


Look at the stick position of player A, when he dribbles. He should keep the ball infront of him.

Right hand during the dribbling part should be at about 1/3 of the stick lenght.


To make it easier for the younger kids leave more space between the red cones, and bring the blue cone closer to the initial zone.

To make it more difficult put more red cones in the minefield, or use any other obstacles you may find.

To make it more dynamic and ad some pressure, keep small breaks between each repetition so that for example player B will have to chace player A.

Drill can be conducted as well on the right side, forcing player a to go on the reverse side more often.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pivot

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pivot
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Pivot (15 mins)


Changing the direction during the dribble.


Player B passes the ball to player A, who recives the ball with a high forehand and imidiately starts to dribble the ball towards the red cones. when in front of the red cones player makes a quick 270' rotation ( pivot) with the ball, and then has to decide either to make a lift over the yellow cones or to make a left/right elimination. When player A get to the circle, he shots on the goal. Imidiatley after the shoot he gets to the blue cone where he passes the ball to player B standing at the white cone.


1. Player A carries the ball in from of his right foot.

2. The 270' turn is done smoothly with the ball attached to the stick, with the hook covering the ball and in one pace.

3. Make sure that player does not stop before executing the elimination/ lift.


-Move the drill to different parts of the 23, therefore changing the angle of the shot.

-To make it easier, remove the yellow cones, and concentrate ony on the 270' turn.

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