Joshua Welty
Name: | Joshua Welty |
City: | Kansas City |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Objective: To improve endurance and fitness while focusing on the techniques of good dribbling, passing, movement to aid in possession.
Principles of Attack: Penetration: Getting the ball behind opponents. The role of the 1st attacker achieved through shooting, passing, or dribbling. Depth: The organization behind and in front of the first attacker. Role of the 2nd attacker. Mobility: The attempt of attacking players to penetrate and unbalance the collective defending action. Width: The disposition of attackers across the field to stretch the collective defending action.
Attacking Roles: 1st Attacker: player with the ball. Must achieve penetration by making the best tactical decision based on the players technical capabilities. 2nd Attacker: Player in immediate support of 1st attacker. Positioned at proper distance/angle to ensure that 1 defender can’t restrict both players. Must attempt to combine with 1st attacker to gain penetration through bent runs, overlaps, double pass, wall pass, takeover, etc. OR create space for 1st attacker to dribble in 1v1 situation. 3rd Attacker: Attempts to unbalance the defense by making constructive runs to increase the attacking options, ideally to penetrate. This allows the possibility of the 3rd attacker to receive the ball OR creating space behind his run for another attacker to join in.
Define team’s goals for the season…
Team Rules and Work Ethic in practice. Earn your spots. Use every practice to get better.
Psychology of Winning: “In order to win, you must be the best prepared and have more desire than your opponent.”
College: Put together individual resume sheet for team booklet, due by the end of the week.
Homework: Juggle every day this week at home. Run a minimum of 3 miles tomorrow (off day).
Practice Mantras: Play to him, or for him, not behind him. There must be a thought for a good pass.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Organization: 4 20x20 grids set up as shown. 8 players per grid - 4 working & 4 resting. 4 working players each on a cone in the center square. Activities 2,3,4 have balls. Upon command players complete activitives for 60 seconds then move clockwise. After all activites complete, alternate groups. 2-3 sets per group.
Instructions: Activity 1: Explosive Movements & Recovery. Player sprints to 1st cone (10yds), recovers quickly back to 2nd cone (5yds), Sprints to 3rd cone (3yds), recovers quickly back to 4th cone (3 yds), sprints to 5th cone (5yds) and jogs back. Activity 2: Weight and accuracy of pass with movement. Player passes to the first cone and sprints to retrieve ball. Ideally arriving at the same time as ball. Player dribbles ball back and passes tothe next cone. Cone distances: 15yds, 5yds, 20yds, 10 yds. Activity 3: Dribbling under control. Player dribbles right foot only down and left foot only back as quickly as possible. Continuous. Activity 4: Runnig with the ball at speed. Player runs with the ball to end cone (20 yds) turns and runs back in as few touches as possible.
Coaching Points: Are player constatly active and pushing themselves? Do they pay attention to the quality of work? Are they going 100%? Activity 1: On sprints forward, quick press, side on low, tight to cone, On sprints backward, footwork, quickness, focus on next press, on jog back, try to recover. Activity 2: Weight of pass, Technique of passing ( heel down, toe up) knowledge of speed of themselves in relation to pass, quick movement after passing the ball. Activity 3: little light touches, on balls of feet, head up, go as fast as you can without losing control. Activity 4: Keeping the ball close enough that speed can get the next touch in stride. Laces or inside of foot? Change of pace after at start and after turn.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Organization: Possession Game. 3 teams of 4 or 5 in a 25x15 grid. 4v4 inside. Nuetrals on the outside. 12 players total. If 16 players, have one team rotate in from behind the outside nuetrals.
Instructions: Teams try to retain possession by creating an 8v4 situation. Nuetrals are limited to 1 touch (Progression: can't play back to same person that passed to them).
Coaching Points: Movement of players off ball in support. Movement of outside players - don't just stand/watch - HELP! Decision making to retain possession. Use the outside players to creat 8v4 overload. Concentrate on 1st touch and weight of pass. Make pitch as big as possible in possession. Recieving with the correct foot. First touch to space or to beat pressing defender. Minimum number of touches increases speed of play. Play tothe correct foot of outside players that only have 1 touch. Quick decion making, pace, accuracy, disguise.
Progression: Team that plays ball out goes out and outside players go inside.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Organization: Play 3v3+6 SSG with GKs on field 30x40yds. 6x4min games. Keep players who play near/with each other together. Defenders play 2-1, Midfielders play 1-2. Outside players play 1-2.
Instructions: Goal is for players to maintain possession with use of outside players to create an opportunity for a finish. Players on the outside are limited to 1 touch, to create quick movement from the inside players. Outside players are always with the team in possession, can't score. (You can determine if outside players can pass to outside players). Rotate teams every 4 minutes so every team plays each other twice.
Coaching Points: Movement of inside players to retain possesion, Movement of inside plaers after the ball goes outside, Decision making of ball play/direction of play/using outside players to retain possession. Taking chances to score. Overloading on the attack while being safe enough to organize defensive delay. Quick decion making, pace, accuracy, disguise.
Note: This is based on 14 players. With 17 or 18, have one team shag balls (shots) and rotate them in.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Organization: Play 7v7 or 9v9 on appropriate sized pitch
Instructions: Split team in half. Play (7v7) 2-3-1 formation (4,5,10,7,11) vs 3-2-1 (2,6,3,8,9,9B)
Coaching Points: Take no unnecessary chances on attack or defense. Keep the ball. Play away from the defense. Look to switch the field to move the defense to create gaps/lanes to play into. Thought process: Can I score? Can I assist? Can I keep the ball with my team?
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Organization: If numbers dictate that GKs can sit out of the main activities... during Activities 2-3.
Instructions: Work on distribution. Goal Kicks, Throws out of the back, punting into the net. Shot Stoppping around the box.
Coaching Points:
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Warm Up - Dynamic Warm Up & Ladders (15 mins)
Organization: Dynamic Warm Up 2 rows 10 yrds apart of 5 cones placed 5 yds apart, half of each team in each line. Speed Ladders 2 Speed Ladders and a cone 10 yards further
Instructions: Dynamic Warm Up (All x2) 1. Jog 2. Open the Gate 3. Close the Gate 4. Circling Partner 5. Jumping with Shoulder Contact 6. Up 2, Back 1 Sprints 7. Sprints 8. Planks & Alternate Leg Planks (30 sec) Allow players 2 minutes to recover and Static Strech what is needed. Speed Ladders (All x2) 1. 1 foot in 2. 2 feet in 3. Slalom Forward 2 feet in, 2 feet out 4. Slalom Backward 2 feet in, 2 feet out 5. Sideways Left 2 feet in 6. Sideways Right 2 feet in 7. Feet together 2 hops forward, 1 hop back 8. Right Foot 2 hops forward, 1 hop back 9. Left Foot 2 hops forward, 1 hop back. After finishing a ladder player sprints to cone, then jogs back.
Coaching Points: 1. Jog (keep body straight, Knees straight) 2. Open the Gate (Horizontal Pelvis, Core Still, Hip Knee & Foot of support leg aligned) 3. Close the Gate (Horizontal Pelvis, Core Still, Hip Knee & Foot of support leg aligned) 4. Circling Partner (Face forward & Look Forwad, Knees slightly bent, on balls of feet) 5. Jumping with Shoulder Contact (Land on both feet with hips & knees bent) 6. Up 2, Back 1 Sprints (Keep body in line, on balls of feet) 7. Sprints (Go full Speed, On Balls of Feet) 8. Planks (Body in straight line, elboys under shoulders, tighten abs & glutes) Speed Ladders On balls of feet, try to be faster, finish out the full sprint.