Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Curriculum - Tier 2 - Individual Possession (Stop-Starts / Turns: Down the Line)

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Ryan Rademacher

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Ryan Rademacher
Name: Ryan Rademacher
City: Harrison, NJ
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up/Physical Literacy

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up/Physical Literacy
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Warm up/Physical Literacy (10 mins)


- 2 channels down the side of the field, each around 5 yds wide and around 20 yards long.


Players start by doing a dynamic warm up up and down the channels to get prepared for the session.

The 1st activity is a race.

- Players in Blue are defenders

- Players in White are attackers

- Game lasts 7 seconds and both players must stay in channel

- Objective is for the attacker to get arms length away the defender and cross either finish line

- Defender's job is to stay as close to the attacker as possible inside his own channel

- Points scoring system

3 for winning at furthest finish line

1 for crossing nearest finish line

Coaching Points:

Attack space at speed

Awareness of defender

Deception to create yard of space


- No longer 2 finish lines but 1.

- Players have to cut across defenders channel and cross the line behind the defender, the defender tries to tag the attacker before he crosses the line.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Unopposed / Semi-Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Unopposed / Semi-Opposed
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Unopposed / Semi-Opposed (30 mins)


- Same area as previous but players now work across original area.

- Players in groups of 3 or 4.

- Ball per player.


1. Players Messi dribble to middle line where they perform u-turn, on eye contact next player goes and does the same process.

2. Players now Messi dribble to middle line and perform stop-tap and do u-turn on end line

- Next player goes on eye contact and original players now dribbles back like Ronaldo.

Coaching Points:

1. Messi dribbling - Small touches, pinky toe, head up as much as possible.

2. Ronaldo dribbling - Touch every step, head up after every touch, touch in stride.

3. Technique of stop-start.

4. Use of body to fake the turn.

5. Ball out of feet and head up.


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Opposed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Opposed
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Opposed (20 mins)


- 2 channels down the side of the field, each around 5 yds wide and around 20 yards long.

- PUGS positioned as shown.


- Attackers are looking to score in either goal (Attackers in white, defenders in blue).

- 3 pts for goal A, 1 pt for goal B.

- Players have 7 seconds to score point.

- Players being on attacker's first touch.

- Defenders cannot tackle until attacking player enters their channel.

Coaching Points:

- Ronaldo touches to attack space

- Look for early chance to cross ball (score in top goal)

- Use of stop-start to create yard

- Use of turn to create yard for cross (if deep on byline)

- If turning, moving ball quickly (switch point of attack in game)


- Defenders can cross line after players 1st touch

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (30 mins)



25x30 yds


- 2v2 / 3v3 World Cup Tournament (every team plays every team) or set up by ability depending on personal, club, team, etc. philosophy

Coaching Points:

- Recognition of space and defenders

- Head up, recognize moments to use appropriate 1v1 techniques


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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button