Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): ass and recieve movement rotation

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Miles Hunt

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Miles Hunt
Name: Miles Hunt
City: Edmonton
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up (10 mins)


12 Players x2 x2 25x25 Area

A dynamic warm up allowing players to practice ball mastery skills and tricks on the move.


All players should have a ball dribbling around the area performing ball manipulation skills, tricks, turns and feints.

Coaching Points:

Lots of touches of the ball - Coerver moves ,Using all different parts of the feet to dribble and turn. If limited space, lots of touches to control the ball.

Awareness of ball, space & other players - Encourage players to get their heads up when dribbling to be aware of the space and other players. If space in front, travel into the space with few touches.

Ball familiarity - Players to be comfortable on the ball and be confident in executing all skills and turns.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical practice
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Technical practice (15 mins)


12 Players 20x20 Area' technical ability to use movement to create space and receive the ball.


1 team passes around outside of the area and rotates positions. Remaining 2 teams pass and move in the middle area to team mates. Rotate roles of teams.

Coaching Points:

Width & depth - This is to make to pitch big to allow room for players to dribble into space and to provide passing options.

Movement to receive - Intelligent movement to create passing lines. Encourage players to move away from the ball before going towards the ball to loose the defender.

Rotation of players to create space - Players starting to work in units and can exploit space made by other players. If one player moves away from the ball and leave space then another player should recognise this and go into the space to receive the ball.


Players receive a pass between opposition players in the middle area to score a point (encourage movement to break lines).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill practice
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Skill practice (15 mins)


12 Players 2x 20x20 Area

This skill practice encourages players to have awareness and movements to create space and receive the ball


Area with 2 target players at either side as target players on opposite sides. Yellow's attempt to pass and combine to pass the ball from one T player to opposite T player. Blue's attempt to pass the ball from one T player to opposite T player

Coaching Points:

Awareness - Players checking shoulders to gain an understanding of where the space, ball, team mates and opposition are on the pitch. This will allow players to be aware of the movement that is required to create space to receive the ball.

Movement to receive - It is important that players understand why they are moving. Players are moving off the ball to either receive the ball themselves or to create space for a team mate. Here are two ways a player can move off the ball to receive. 1. Player moves away from the ball dragging the defender with them and then checks into the space to receive a pass. 2. Player pushes off the defender and performs a 2 yard movement which will create a passing line to receive the ball.

Rotation of players to create space - Players now working with units to exploit each others space. If one player moves away from the ball then another player should be able to recognise and exploit the space left to receive the ball. Rotation can be as simple as exchanging positions.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (20 mins)


12 Players

This small sided game develops players movement to create space, through width, depth and rotations, to receive the ball.


Central playing area is divided into 4 triangles. 2 x teams of 6 players. In possession, once a player has passed the ball they must leave that triangle for a team mate to enter (Rotation).

Coaching Points:

Rotation - Rotation of players to create space for you or team mate to receive & to unbalance defenders.

Quick passing & combinations - Combinations can only be performed if there is good movement off the ball. Players need to be able to play of 1 and 2 touches and understand where the space is after they have made the pass so they can receive the ball back.

Width & depth - Players should make the pitch big by going wide and high. Forwards should stretch the pitch which will allow space in the middle for players to move into.


Limit the touches to emphasize the timing of the pass and movement of the player.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button