Futsal Session (Academy Sessions): 20/11/17 Combination and attack

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Paul Morrison

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Paul Morrison
Name: Paul Morrison
City: warrington
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): agility/coordination warm up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): agility/coordination warm up
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agility/coordination warm up (10 mins)

Session Objective: Agility/coordination warm up


In threes at first:one player throws ball to second player who heads to third.Third throws to first,who heads to second who catches ball.Continue so all have a go at throwing heading and catching.

Then extend into game.Players to keep to throw head catch pattern and can score only by a header.

Key Factors:

Agility to move and create angle to head catch and throw.

Ability to change dirction quickly

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and receiving

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing and receiving
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Passing and receiving (20 mins)

Session Objective: To develop passing and control


Players in threes and undertake several passing combinations.

A : Ball with each outside player.Ball in to middle man who returns,spins then receives ball from other outside player and plays back.Spins again and so on.

B : One ball.Pass in to middle man who plays back.Outside man then plays long pass to other outside player who then plays to middle man and so on.Short passing and long passing.

C : Outside man to middle man who spins with ball then plays to other outside man.Receives ball back spins again and plays back to first man and so on.

D : As before but play one-two with middle man then play in again to middle man who spins with ball then plays to other outside man.Repet other side.

E : Play to middle man who takes on back foot and plays to other side.Receives ball back onto other back foot and so on.

F : As before but play one-two with middle man then play in again to middle man who takes on back foot and passes to other side.

Group all do same drill at same time and then all change together.

Rotate players and also change groups so players work with other players.REndless variations and combinations.

Key Factors:

Quality of pass

First touch

Weight of pass

Body position to receive

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Weight of pass

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Weight of pass
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Weight of pass (20 mins)

Session Objective: To improve weight of pass


Players in threes.Ball with centre man who lays in wide man ,who then plays in other wide man who shoots.

Extend after a while to two defenders.

Emphasis is on weight of pass and timing of movement/

Key Factors:

Quality of pass

Weight of pass

Timing of movement

Quality of finish

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fun finish

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fun finish
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Fun finish (15 mins)

Session Objective: 1 v 1 defend and counter attack game


Two teams of 3,score one touch in area.Winning team stays on.

Fun finish!

Key Factors:

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Quick play game

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Quick play game
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Quick play game (25 mins)

Session Objective: Develop quick play in final third

Organisation:Teams as shown.Ball fed by server into any player central area.players have to combine to score.goal can only be scored by player on second touch,thereby encouraging first touch to create space and then sharp finish.As soon as ball enters net or goes out,server serves to other team .

Key Factors:

Looking to receive in centre following transition.


Quality of pass.

Quick movement out of feet to create space

Quality of finish

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