Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): IP: POSSESSION: switch of play & pentration (circle) (Start Time: 2017-11-18 13:30:00)

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Robert Earnshaw

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Robert Earnshaw
Name: Robert Earnshaw
City: caerphilly
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): switch of play & penetration centre circle

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): switch of play & penetration centre circle
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switch of play & penetration centre circle (25 mins)


centre circle

big rectangle 42x38 width or height depends on if working on switch of play or possession to penetrate




game 1 switch of play

1-in possession team keep ball and objective is 10 passes

or get the ball to the other side of the circle below head height on the sides of circle

but if they connect through the circle(only 1 player can be in the circle at any time) then the point doesn't count but game carries on as possession.

2- defensive team if they win ball 3 times then they get possession

must have 3 players inside the centre circle at all times

Game 2 penetration

1-in possession team objective to score is either 10 passes 1 point or pentrate through the centre circle to the opposite side in controlled possession below head height.

They can go over head height but pass doesnt count.resumes when below head height

2players only allowed at any point in the circle

2- OOP team must have 3 players insde the circle at any point


1-over head height counts with same rules as above

2-3v3 in the middle and passes only count inside the centre circle(any 3v3 can play inside)

3- 4v4 with extra point for a 1 touch combination with a player thats outside of circle but after the 1 touch must make a pass inside the circle to count.

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