Futsal Session (Academy Sessions): Badminton 2

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

ciara mcgowan

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ciara mcgowan
Name: ciara mcgowan
City: Glasgow
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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aim - introduce the B/H serve

objective - for them to effectively serve to a partner

venue - gym hall

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): warm up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): warm up
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warm up (5 mins)

Organizational / Instructions

traffic light game, everyone run around the hall and listen to the coach to shout instructions.

RED = stop AMBER = jog on spot GREEN = run

Coaching Points

children should run pushing through their toes, head up to avoid collisions. shout change direction every so often to stop the children all running in a circle

Progressions / Adaptations

add in movements such as speed bump = jump , rond about = turn in a circle. to add variety

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): B/H serve

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): B/H serve
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B/H serve (5 mins)

Organizational / Instructions

this is a demonstration. tell the children to find a space and sit down, demonstrate and explain the serve

Coaching Points

hold racket with thumb poiting upwards, lift it up as if looking in the mirror, then do the action of checking the time on a watch, hold shuttle infront, release it and hit it. stand one foot infront of the other. emphasising that the serve will be most effective when these steps are followed

Progressions / Adaptations

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): B/H serve cont.

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): B/H serve cont.
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B/H serve cont. (10 mins)

Organizational / Instructions

get the children into pairs facing each other, complete the serve forwards and backwards to ech other

Coaching Points

face your partner, carry out the action of the build up to completing the back hand serve, complete back hand serve, have your racket aiming towards your partner so that the shuttle will go in that direction

Progressions / Adaptations

shadow the movement without the shuttle until they feel comfortable.

if too easy attempt to return the shuttle to their partner, creating a small ralley

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): bingo

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): bingo
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bingo (10 mins)

Organizational / Instructions

let the children try a ralley for some fun into the session , stop them and explain that they will try to hit it back and forward to each other until they reach 5 , once completed shout bingo and then they will switch partners. everyone will move one space clockwise

Coaching Points

stand one foot infront of the other. ralley started with back hand serve , following the procedure taught, keeping eyes on the shuttle throughout, aim your racket where you wish the shuttle to go

Progressions / Adaptations

if 5 becomes to easy increase the number of shots, if it seems to hard decrease the number of shots

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): cool down

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): cool down
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cool down (5 mins)

Organizational / Instructions

find a space, carry out static stretches, then 30 seconds lie down

Coaching Points

stretches - one arm across the boyd pulling from under the elbow, switch arms. arm up and behing the head oushing down on the elbow with opposite arm, switch arms. rotate head in circular motion both directions. lift foot to bum and hold it then switch. when lieing down, deep breaths in and out not talking to anyone, eyes closed.

Progressions / Adaptations

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