Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Fun in the Sun Tuesday

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Mikaela Buchweitz
Name: Mikaela Buchweitz
City: FC 1974
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up Coach Says

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up Coach Says
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Warm up Coach Says (20 mins)

Coach Says

Copy Coach - Start without a soccer ball. You will verbally need to coordinate the children at first, but when they start to understand more than try your best to stay quiet & allow the kids to watch & copy you. Get the children to follow you with :

1 - Jogging around the square.

2 - Freeze.

3 - Running fast around the square.

4 - Walking slowly around the square.

5 - Jumping around the square.

6 - Hopping around the square.

7 - Balance on one foot.

8 - If you can think of more then feel free to add them in.

All the time you are encouraging the children to keep their eyes on you and copy you. You will need to verbally coordinate the children at first, but when they start to understand, try your best to stay quiet whilst they just watch you and copy you. Then, introduce the soccer ball and get the children to follow you whilst you shout out different body parts...

Body Parts

First go through all the body parts with all the kids, teach them which each one is one by one. Can we also teach them left to right for the Knee, Foot & Elbow? Start to emphasis the importance of not using our hands...

Head (Forehead)



Knee (Only one/ not both)


Sit on the ball




Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Super heros

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Super heros
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Super heros (20 mins)

Start by telling a story: we are all super heros dribbling our ball around being diffrent super heros (get kids to name the superheros) trying to save the city with diffrent moves.

1 - Batman - ' What superhero wears a black mask & has a cape? ' players must look to stop the ball by putting the bottom of their foot on the ball & put both arms out by their side as if this was Batman's cape. Get players to shout ' BATMAN '

2 - Spiderman - ' What superhero wears a red & blue mask & shoots webs from his hands? ' players must look to stop the ball & then shoot spider webs at the soccer ball while round around the ball & making a noise as if webs are coming out their hands.

3 - Incredible Hulk - ' What superhero is green & has big muscles? Hulk smashes with his hands but because we are soccer players what do we use? ' players must look to perform toe taps on the soccer while flexing their arm muscles. (the coach can choose the number of toe taps)

4 - Superman - ' What superhero has a big S on his chest & he can fly? ' players must stop their soccer ball, lie on top of the ball with one arm out in front of them. On the coaches count to 3, all players will shout SUPERMAN.

5 - Flash - ' What superhero is super super super fast? ' players must dribble with the soccer ball but goes as fast as they can like Flash.

6 - Ironman - ' What superhero can shoot fireballs from his hands? We are soccer players so what will we use? ' players must use soccer ball as a fireball, they need to try & kick their soccer ball so it hits someone else's soccer ball.

7 - ' What superhero can go super small?'  Can we dribble super slow like they are super small? ANTMAN

8 -  What superhero can freeze things?' can we dribble wait for the coach to shout freeze and give you best statue impression. Ella or Frozone 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Catch the joker

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Catch the joker
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Catch the joker (20 mins)

The Joker (coach) has stolen all of the money from the bank, its now your job to get all of the money back & take the Joker to jail. ' get the kids to pick what superhero they want to be.

The Joker (coach) will run around the square, the players must chase the Joker & try to hit the joker with there ball. When the Joker has been hit with the ball the superheroes get 1 point. The play then continues and chase the Joker starts again. When all the money has been found the coach decides how many hits are needed, sit players down and ask how many points they got.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Take down the Joker and his team

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Take down the Joker and his team
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Take down the Joker and his team (20 mins)

Takedown the Joker and his team

' We are now ready to fight crime, let’s start by taking down the Joker and his team of bad guys '

- Players must look to dribble their ball close to cone & kickball at the cone to knock it over. the coach will pick up knocked down cones. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): What's the time Mr Joker?

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): What's the time Mr Joker?
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What's the time Mr Joker? (20 mins)

The Joker is now in jail but he is planning to escape, his first job is to find you & make you pay for putting him into jail, watch out & don't get caught '

- The coach will start as Joker, with his back towards the kids who will be on the start line.

- Players will shout ' What's the time Mr Joker? ', Coach will then shout a number between 1 & 12, whatever number is shouted then that's how many touches they take to dribble closer to the joker. When they have done their touches then ask them to do their Batman/Batgirl Pose ( foot on ball & arms out) 

- When the coach shouts ' Escape Time ' the players must then turn round & dribble back to the start line with their soccer ball.

- Can the player make it all the way to the end without being caught? 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): world cup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): world cup
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world cup (40 mins)

5 min games each team plays 4 times    

Team 1 v Team 2Team 2 v Team 3Team 3 v Team 1 Repete the non-playing team sits and cheers on the other players 

- Keep scores - 3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw, 1 point for every goal scored. Max score in 1 game = 10 points- Bonus points can be awarded for team colours, answering questions about your team, etc

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): skill of the day

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): skill of the day
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skill of the day (10 mins)

Skill move of the day 

Pull back / drag back 

- Can we do it standing still

- Can we try it walking

- Can we do it dribbling

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Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button