Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 20-7-2023 Agility exercise (Preliminary) (Start Time: 2023-07-20 09:30:00)

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Tsagkatakis Nikolaos

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Tsagkatakis Nikolaos
Name: Tsagkatakis Nikolaos
City: Mohali
Country: India
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1 (10 mins)

⚽Practice Organization

  • Agility training of the day
  • This exercises is comprised of 3 stations
  • Players have to structure 3 groups (A,B,C)

⚽Key Coaching Points

  • We hold each station for 2 minutes
  • Players have to execute each station with constant movement (go-return action) 
  • At the first station (A), players have to initiate their run by approaching the mannequin, their first action is to avoid the mannequin and by executing and backdoor reverse run, they should move diagonally just slightly next to the very last mannequin(third 3rd)
  • At the second station (B) players allocate their center gravity towards the opposite side of the mannequin, by the moment they avoid the mannequin, player's speed must be increased
  • At the second station Coach has to alternate the position of the central mannequin (even leg loading)
  • At the third station, (C) players have to accelerate until the middle mannequin. When reaching, they should swiftly break between the mannequins and by executing side steps to avoid the remaining 2 at the front
  • Feet should be very quick and we do not expect hold ground contact time  
  • Players have to drop their shoulders, reach lower body position and move with deep and sharp steps as near as possible to the mannequins
  • After surpassing the mannequins, players have to increase their ruining speed (aerobic stimulus)
  • Rest between the mannequins is maximally 1:00 minute
  • Coach has to ''guide'' and instruct the players while executing at each station


  • This exercise can be executed with the addition of ball
  • However rest period between the stations, is expected to increase, as the balance and stepping demands are highly increased
  • Recommended rest 1:35 minutes
  • When players demonstrate, enhanced aerobic endurance, we can add one additional agility station 

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