Ian Sinclair
Name: | Ian Sinclair |
City: | Oakville |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Station 1: Small Sided Game
- 4v4/5v5
- 1 team attacks Goals #1
- 1 team attacks Goals #2
- Teams have two goals to score on
Coaching Points:
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Station 2: 1v1 Chaos
- 20x20 yard grid
- 2 1v1's simultaneous
- Play starts with 1 team passing the ball across to the opposition creating 1v1 situation
- If defenders win the ball they can score any of the 4 goals.
- Make sure you switch half way and have the other team recieve the ball to attack
Possible progression/variation:
- Depending on the skill level of the players have the attacking players start with the ball
Coaching Points:
- Quick changes of direction
- Creativtiy/Imagination
- Attack defender at speed
- Attack Defender straight on
First touch
- Accuracy/Pace of pass
- Accelerate away from defender
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Passing - Jack in the Box
- 2-3 teams of 3--4 players
- 2-3 goals 8-10 yards away from cone behind which 3 players from the team stand.
- 1 player (Jack) stand behind the min-goal
- Players release the (Jack) in the box by scoring 1 goal each by passing the ball into the goal from the cone - when goal is scored, that player goes behind the goal.
- When all the players behind the goal - the Jack must come out to score the final goal to win.
Possible progressions/variations:
- Move the cones from the goal closer or further away depending on the skill level of players.
Coaching Points:
- Head-up
- Part of foot (Inside) /Part of ball (Middle of the ball)
- Non Passing foot over the ball
- Swing the knee
- Follow through
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Station 4: Shooting Game
- Make it a competition between 2 teams
- Players have to keep score
- Coaches beside the goals posts with all the balls on each side
- Players lined up at cones 10-12 yards away from the goal
- Coaches pass the ball diagonally across always alternating and players finish off 1 - touch
Possible progression/variations:
- Deduct points if they miss the net
- Allow players to take two-touches before shooting
- After players shoot, they sprint to the goal and become the goalkeeper
Coaching Points:
- Head-up to see target/head down to strike
- Accuracy over power
- On your toes
- Part of foot/Part of ball
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Screen 1
- Full Pitch Lay-out
- 4 Stations set-up and each coach has been assigned a station for the 2 hour duration
- Clockwise Rotation every 10-12 minutes
- Group rotation will be signaled by the field managers (Jimmy & Dave)
- Equipment: 20 pugs, 4 poles, pinnies, balls, cones,
- Quick explanation & demonstration and then get the players playing
- Jimmy/Dave to signal end of session 5 minutes to the hour
- DEBRIEF with your original group
1. SSG - 2 Goal Game
2. Passing & Recieving - Jack in the Box
3. Shooting and Finishing
4. 1v1 Skills Game