Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Teaching Defensive Recovery Runs - Welty

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Am-Club: KC Prime Soccer Club

Joshua Welty

Profile Summary

Joshua Welty
Name: Joshua Welty
City: Kansas City
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Teaching Pressure & Cover

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Teaching Pressure & Cover
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Teaching Pressure & Cover (15 mins)

Organization: Set up as shown. 2 teams. If more than 2 waiting players per team, set up multiple games.

Instructions: Covering defender passes ball to either wide player to start play. The other defender applies pressure and tries to delay attack long enough for his partner to get into a cover position with a recovery run. Play to goal or until defense wins possession. Swich roles.

Coaching Points: Angle of recovery run. Distance of covering player to pressuring player. Communication between defenders and Goal Keeper.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screening Passes to Target Player

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screening Passes to Target Player
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Screening Passes to Target Player (15 mins)

Organization: Play 5v2 with a target player locked in center box. Play 2 minute games and switch roles.

Instructions: Team of 5 tries to retain possession and pass to target player. Team of 2 tries to deny the pass and win posseession. Points scored by team of 5 passing to and recieving from target player. Team of 2 score by gaining possession.

Coaching Points: Pressure, cover, angles of defensive support. Screening passes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 Defending
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2v2 Defending (20 mins)

Organization: Create small fields for 2v2 play to small goals. Play 3 minute games and switch opponents.

Instructions: Play 2v2, focusing on defensive principles and coaching points on the team out of possession. Defensive team tries to deny penetration and regain possession. Player nearest the ball applies pressure, and his partner gets behind in a cover position.

Coaching Points: Immdiate pressure to DELAY, so that your paartner can get in a cover position. Angle and distance of covering player. Speed and distace of pressuring player. If you are not pressuring the ball then you need to get into a covering position.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blaine's Game (Transitional 3v2)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blaine's Game (Transitional 3v2)
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Blaine's Game (Transitional 3v2) (25 mins)

Organization: Field usually 45-65 yards long to big goals. Split into 2 teams. Game is always 3v2 with team of 3 in possession attacking directional. Remaining players wait in boxes for their turn/role depending on the outcome of the play on the field. This game is fast, changes quickly, and tiresome - so you need minimum 6 players per team and up to 9 waiting players is fine. Keepers or coaches in goal. Each possession always starts with a throw from the keeper to the entering player to make a team of 3 or a quick roll out if the team scores.

Instructions: Start game 3v2 with the team of 3 going in one direction. If Team of 3 Scores - GK plays new ball to team of 3 and they attack in opposite direction AND 2 defenders are replaced with 2 new defenders. If Defensive team of 2 wins possession they can pass the ball to EITHER Keeper to get their 3rd player who enters the game recieving a throw from the GK and attacks in opposite direction. The original team of 3 exits the game and 2 new players enter the game and become the defensive team of 2. If the GK makes a save or an attempt is unsuccessful it is treated the same as if the defensive team of 2 passed them the ball.

Coaching Points: Angle of defensive recovery runs. Pace of attack in transition.

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