Nicolas Rodriguez
Name: | Nicolas Rodriguez |
City: | Elmhurst |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Defending 1 vs 1 - Pressure
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. 20 x 20 yard area setup as shown
2. 8 players setup as shown
3. 4 balls
1. The defending player start the exercise by passing the ball into the attacking player
2. Once the pass has been received the defending player runs in to close down the attacker
3. The attacker must at tempt to score by dribbling the ball through the small goal on the opposite end line
4. If the defending player wins the ball they must attempt to dribble through the attackers goal
5. The next defending player then repeats the exercise by playing to the second attacker
6. Rotate the defending and attacking players after a set time
Coaching Points:
1. Close down quickly
2. Angle of approach to make play predictable
3. Slow down as you approach the attacker
4. Bend the knees,stay side ways on to the ball
5. Prepare for next action -Delay or Tackle
1. P – Increase the size of the scoring area to include the entire end line
2. R – Allow defenders to close down as soon as they make the pass
3. R – Reduce the width ofthe area so there is less attacking space
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. 20 x 20 yard area setup as show n
2. 6 players (3 A ttackers,3 D efenders)setup
as show n
3. 1 ball(A dditionalballs around the outside
1. A ttacking player sets offfrom the m id pointm arker and rounds the m arker atthe corner to enter the playing area
2. The second attacking player passes the ballinside the area for the firstattacker
3. O n the pass the defender sets offto close the firstattacker dow n
4. The attacker then looks to score on the defending player’s goal
5. Ifthe defender w ins the ballhe/she attacks the other goal
6. Points are aw arded for each goalscored
7. G roups sw itch roles and starting points after a setnum ber ofreps or time limit
Coaching Points:
1. C lose dow n quickly
2. A ngle ofapproach to m ake play predictable
3. Slow dow n as you approach the attacker
4. Bend the knees,stay sidew ays on to the ball
5. Prepare for nextaction -D elay or Tackle
1. P – 2 vs.1
2. P – 2 vs.2
3. R – D efending player can setoffto close the player dow n on their initialrun and notthe pass
4. R – 1 vs.2 so thatthe player now has cover
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
As above
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
as above
In pairs players try to tag their opponent's knees, whilst at the
same time trying to avoid them tagging their own knees.
Knee tag: on eyecontact players run towards middle of channel
and playknee tag
"Winners square"
Coaching Points:
Defending position
Get to the ball quickly
Slow down on approach
Body Position - slightlyside on to the ball (force attacker where you
want them to go)
Bodyshape - low (knees bent and on toes) and side on