Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Session 52 - 3rd Man Concept/Middle to Final Third Entry - U13/U14 Boys

Profile Summary

Eric Eichmann
Name: Eric Eichmann
City: Boca Raton, Florida
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Session Objectives:

Ability to apply 3rd man concept principles:

- Create numerical superiority through advanced passes between multiple lines.

- Create numerical superiority through joining of more players in dangerous areas (middle to final third)

- “Look Far” finding the furthest most pass to eliminate players/lines from the game.

Players: #8,#10,#7,#11

- Work timing of movement of 2nd attacker to create option by showing in pasisng window and playing in pocket between lines.

- Timing of 3rd man run underneath the 2nd attacker. Reconize which player is the 2nd attacker (visual cue: highest player showing into windows. If you are not the highest option can you make a run underneath that player as ball is reaching him.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIFA 11+ - WARM UP

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): FIFA 11+ - WARM UP
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FIFA 11+ - WARM UP (10 mins)


-Cones placed 5 meters a part for a total of 20 meters with 4 cones placed on each side of the grid 3 meters from the interior cones.

-Movements at 50 %,increase load/% as you progress

-Movements will be done 2x each, except jog (3x) and accelerations (2x)

Continuous Movement (Phase 1)


-Jog/back-peddle alternating

-High knees

-Butt kicks



-Wrap Around

Dynamic movements (Phase 2)

-A Skip

-B Skip

-Open the gate

-Close the gate

-Double step leg kicks

-Leg Swings/Opposite Hands

-Kick and twist

Neural Prepatory Phase (PHase 3)

-45 degree angle cuts

-2 footed jump x 2 and accelerate @ 70%

-2 lunges and accelerate @ 70%

-Quick feet(horizontal shuffle between yellow cones) and accelerate 80%

-Quick Feet (High Knees)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo - 4v1+ONE

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo - 4v1+ONE
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Rondo - 4v1+ONE (10 mins)


1. 5v5 grid size.

2. 4v1+ONE

3. Plenty of balls.


1. Players will be involved in a 4v1+ ONE rondo activity.

2. Objective: Players retain possession and look to complete 10 passes.

3. If players complete 5 passes on a row without losing possession, they are able to play ball to opposite target.

3. Dynamic Stretches will included during the warm up.

Coaching Points:

1. Technical sharpness

2. Accuracy & Pace of pass.

3. Supporting player on the ball (correct angles & passing lanes)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3rd Man Runs to Goal - Pattern #5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3rd Man Runs to Goal - Pattern #5
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3rd Man Runs to Goal - Pattern #5 (10 mins)


1. Set up as shown (20x20yds)

2. Two groups of 8 players.

3. Plenty of Balls.


1. Players perform combination play shown above.

2. Rotation: Outside players become central/target players, central/target players become wide players, wide players go to outside.

3. Competition: 1 point for each completed pattern.

Coaching Points:

Third Man Principles:

1. Ability to find furthest passing option first.

2. Use bounce pass to player facing the game when pressure is coming from behind.

1.Timing of the movement will be key to success of finding the FREE PLAYER. Ability to make run as it is approaching the target player.

2. Pace and Sharpness of pass. Can we make a bounce pass that can continue the rhythm of the play. Take into the account the pace the ball is coming towards you (more space lighter bounce pass, less pace harder bounce pass)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3rd Man Runs to Goal - Pattern #4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3rd Man Runs to Goal - Pattern #4
Save Image: Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3rd Man Runs to Goal - Pattern #4 Create Video:

3rd Man Runs to Goal - Pattern #4 (10 mins)


1. Set up as shown (20x20yds)

2. Two groups of 8 players.

3. Plenty of Balls.


1. Players perform combination play shown above.

2. Rotation: Outside players become central/target players, central/target players become wide players, wide players go to outside.

3. Competition: 1 point for each completed pattern.

Coaching Points:

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v7+2 - Final Third Entry

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v7+2 - Final Third Entry
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6v7+2 - Final Third Entry (15 mins)


1. Set up as shown (Two zones of 25x25yds)

2. 16 players.

3. Plenty of balls.



1. Players play 5v5 +2 inside grid.

2. Black team plays 1-3-1 inside zone with a #9 in opposite zone.

3. White team has two CB's who play inside back third zone and 5 players inside middle third zone.

4. White team scores by passing ball to target players (yellow)

5. Black team scores on large goal.

6. Black team can send any number of players into final third. White can send one defending players in to back third zone.

Coaching Points:

1. Ability to move opponent through ball movement. 1st look is always forward.

2. Work timing of movement of 2nd attacker to create option by showing in passing window and playing in pocket between lines. Ability of #9 to create 2-3 yds from CB by disguise movements.

3.Can we make runs off the bounce pass. Wide penetrating runs (#2/#3)/Diagonal penetrating runs (#7/#11)

4. Timing of 3rd man run underneath the 2nd attacker. Reconize which player is the 2nd attacker (visual cue: highest player showing into windows. If you are not the highest option can you make a run underneath that player as ball is reaching him.

5. How many chances WE create on goal?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play - 9v9 Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play - 9v9 Game
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Free Play - 9v9 Game (20 mins)


1. 55x50yds

2. 9v9

Coaching Points:

Minimal coaching points on topics addressed during the session.

Apply coaching points on Third Man Concept.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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