Barcelona United
Name: | Barcelona United |
City: | Pickerington |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Develop Attacking/Defending Skills along with passing and movement goals.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Organization: 20x20 yards, a gate in each corner that is 2 yards wide. (15 minutes)
HOW TO PLAY: The first person player 1's (red) in line plays a ball across the area on the diagonal to player 2 (white) and then runs to defend. If the player from player 2 can dribble through the ‘gate’ defended by the player from player 1, earns a point. If the defender from line 1 can win possession, has 2 options: 1. Attempt to play back to their team for a point 2. Play it through the gate of line 3 for 2 points. Return to same line started. Play for 2-3 minutes then switch roles.
Goals: Dribbling basics, Turning basics, Fakes and dribble, Beating an opponent, Escaping an opponent, Navigate Obstacles
Questions/Coaching Notes:
Defenders angle of approach to force the attacker away from goal; defenders speed of approach
Coaching tips: create teaching moments and talk to players as they are waiting in line to allow for more repetitions
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Organization: (20 minutes): Drill focuses on developing players dribbling and quick passing combinations. To begin, two players start on each outer cone with one of the players starting with a ball. The four players will dribble their ball to the central cones before passing to the player on the outer station in an anti-clockwise direction.
Progressions: The two players will then play a 1-2 combination before dribbling to the central cone. The pass is then played to the next outside station beginning the next sequence.
Coaching Points:
1. Keep the ball under control while dribbling
2. Quick one touch passing combinations
3. Head up and communication when passing
4. Passing weight and accuracy to maintain the flow of the practice
5. If players struggle with four balls, use two balls before increasing
1. Why is close control while dribbling so important to master?
2. How can you improve your one touch passing?
3. Where do quick 1-2 combos help when in a game scenario?
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Organization: 40x40 yards (may increase one side. e.g. 40x50 with our group TBD) (20 minutes)
Objective: Objective is for each team to simply move the ball around the area whilst avoiding other players in the practice, developing an understanding of how to rotate with teammates during this phase.
Teams of 4 with each team having 1 ball, and this drill is a build upon the 4 cones passing drill with obstacles. Help build understanding of the importance of the diamond shape along with awareness of the field with movement to open space. Players can overlap each other e.g. player 1 goes towards player 2, but player 2 needs to move into open space or the space player 1 vacated
1. Players must receive a pass in another area to where they are as pass is played. This will slow play down, yet will encourage players to think about weight of pass and verbal and non-verbal cues will be more important with this progression.
2. Players must rotate with another player in a different square after they have played the pass. This will encourage players off the ball not to just focus on receiving the next pass, but on the movement to create space with passing player.
1. How can you move quickly into another unoccupied square, replicating movement in the game?
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Organization: 30x40 with goals at each end line. (20 minutes) Switch positions every 5 minutes
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Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up (15 mins)
OBJECTIVE: To prepare players for training session.
ORGANIZATION: Need roughly 5x15 yard space per setup. Need six cones, at start place two cones to create a gate, in middle 5 yards from the gate place three cones(~1.5 yards
apart), the last cone is 5 yards from last cone in the middle. Target 3-4 per line.
KEY WORDS: Focus, Effort, Awareness
1) In gate - toe taps, popcorn, run in place, etc.
2) Initiate on whistle(following players go on whistle or after player in front reaches a certain point).
3) Sprint, jog, skip, side shuffle, etc. from gate to middle section.
4) Two Feet Together Hop, Side Shuffle, High Knees, etc. over each cone.
5) Sprint, jog, skips, etc. to last cone.
6)Go around last cone sprint, back pedal, etc. to end of line.
NOTES: Coaches are encouraged to vary activities, e.g. dribble ball through setup, right/left foot only, etc.