Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 3/2 Fitness

Profile Summary

Frank Greenawalt
Name: Frank Greenawalt
City: Riverside
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Pre Season Fitness Training

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step 1 Dynamic Stretching

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step 1 Dynamic Stretching
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Step 1 Dynamic Stretching (20 mins)

Warm Up (20 min)

Juggling (5 min)

Dynamic Stretching (15 min)

Split the players into two groups, set up cones 15 yards apart then two further on another 10 yards in a Y shape.

Both groups are working concurrently carrying out the exercise between the first two markers.

When they reach cone B, one goes to the left, the next goes to the right and repeat, then jog back to the start.

- knees up

- heels up

- sideways

- etc

Then stop and carry out a series of static stretches in a circle. First player goes in and demo's a stretch, they then think of someone to come in next and shout out their name.

The player called out needs to sprint into the centre of the circle and demo a new stretch.

Do it quickly and for around 6 stretches.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step 2 Changing direction

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step 2 Changing direction
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Step 2 Changing direction (15 mins)

Change of direction Fitness (15 min)


Set up two lines of cones - 10 yards between each cone - 20 yards between each line of cones.

Split players into two groups.


Players run in pairs - running wide to touch the cones in a diagonal line as above. Players compete against each other.

Final sprint back to the group - top speed - knocking hands to enable the next player to commence.


1. Mix up the movements - forwards; sideon; hop.

2. Introduce a ball - dribbling around the outside of each cone - stopping the ball next to the last cone to enable the next player to begin.

3. Shuttle run relay - straight down line of cones.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step 3 Rondos

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step 3 Rondos
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Step 3 Rondos (20 mins)

Rondos - 7/6v2 (20 min)


Set up two boxes of 12x12yards next to one another and ensure there is a supply of balls beside each box.

Make sure there are two bibs in each box.

Two players start in middle, no need to wear bib, simply hold it.

Players around the box start to move the ball, if a player intercepts in the centre, switch over bib.

Play for 2 mins before switching central players.


Looking for ball to be moved quickly in this exercise and good communication between players on outside.

Coaching Points

Movement of players on the outside to create passing angle.


1. Two touches

2. Introduce 3 players in the middle

3. Introduce points scoring for each team - 1 point for 5 passes; 1 point for interception/tackle.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step 4 Interval

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step 4 Interval
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Step 4 Interval (15 mins)

Interval Sprints (15 min)


1. Set up cones 20 yards apart. Line up players along Line of Cones A. Sprint from A to B, jog back to A; ten sets in total.

2. Set up area - length twice as long as width; Place 3 players on each area. Players sprint along each length and jog along each width; As soon as player in front one reaches opposite corner, next player starts. Repeat x 5

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step 5 Possession Games

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step 5 Possession Games
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Step 5 Possession Games (20 mins)

Possession Games 4v4 (20 min)


Set up area 30x20 yards.

Split players into 3 teams of 4 Team A, B & C.

To start, Team A v B, with C acting as neutral players along sides. Team C restricted to 2 touches only.

Game lasts 4 mins, then teams rotate.


Team must pass the ball to neutral player at the end of the area to score. Neutral player must play the ball back to the same team within 2 touches. Multidirectional - Team then tries to score in opposite end.

Coaching Points

Encourage movement of players to create passing options - Show to go; Go to Show; Switch

Can the player receiving the ball look to move the ball quickly - good control, accurate passing - all at tempo;

Can the players without the ball look to press and close down passing options?

Good decision making - long ball/short ball?

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button