Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): PDSA Cincinnati - Sunday 3/3 Regular

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Tommy Spijkers
Name: Tommy Spijkers
City: Ohio
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stuck in the mud

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Stuck in the mud
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Stuck in the mud (15 mins)

The attackers are dribbling around in the 18 yard box. The defender is chasing the attackers and tries to touch the ball, with the feet, from one of an attackers. If the defender touches the ball the attacker pick up the ball and hold it above his head. The attacker will also spread his legs. The attacker got "stuck in the mud". The other attackers, who are not stuck in the mud can save their teammate by dribbling the ball through the opened legs. When this has happened the player who was stuck in the mud drops the ball and is dribbling around in the 18 yard box again.

The game is over after 60 seconds or when all the attackers are stuck in the mud

Coaching remarks attackers

- Dribble around inside the circle, keep the ball close so you can keep it away from the defender

- Do not get stuck in the corner, always try to dribble to open space

- When the defender attacks you, try to shield the ball and dribble away from the defender

- If you know a move, use this move to keep the ball away from the defender

Coaching remarks defender

- When you chase down an attacker, do not stop until you touch the ball from him

Created by Tommy Spijkers, PDSA Soccer

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SB3: Atletico Madrid

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SB3: Atletico Madrid
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SB3: Atletico Madrid (10 mins)

Need: 1 ball, 4 cones.

Grab a soccer ball and find yourself a little bit of space. A 5 by 5 yards box is enough space!Every skill in the list below you will do for 45 seconds. After each skill you have a 15 second break.

1. L-moves (moves)

2. 2 Footed outside V-move (moves)

3. 2 Footed inside V-move (moves)

4. 1 Footed outside V-move (moves)

5. 1 Footed inside V-move (moves)

6. 1 Footed outside V-move, Pull Inside - right (moves)

7. 1 Footed outside V-move, Pull Inside - left (moves)

8. Right L-move, Left 2 footed inside V-move (moves)

9. Left L-move, Right 2 footed inside V-move (moves)

10. L-move, 2 footed inside V-move alternate (moves)

Our first focus is to do the touches right. Make the ball go exactly where you want it to go. When that goes well, increase your pace and keep increasing your pace. The goal in the 45 second work time is to make a couple of mistakes because you are doing the skills just a little quicker than you are capable off. This way you are actually working on improving. Do NOT go at a steady pace you are able to pull off for 45 seconds. If you are not losing control at some point in the 45 seconds, you are NOT pushing yourself hard enough.

Created by Tommy Spijkers, PDSA Soccer

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): The Magic 5 - Messi

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): The Magic 5 - Messi
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The Magic 5 - Messi (15 mins)

Need: 6 cones, 1 ball per player

The magic 5 are 5 unique move combinations of 5 moves each. This is the Magic 5 Messi. When doing these moves combinations the player will work on to improve their ball mastery skills as well as their ability to take on defenders. The goal is to learn these combinations 1 move at a time. When you start you do the first move first, then add the second, third, etc.

Maximum of 2 players per organization of 6 cones. If you have 2 players the second player can start when the first player has finished their moves.

Magic 5 Messi Build Up

- Stepover

- L-move

- 2 Footed outside V-move

- Scissor

- Maradona

The player does 1 of each of these moves, in this order. After doing the move the player accelerates to the other side of the channel. On one side the player starts the first move with the right foot, on the other side with the left foot.


There are a total of 5 sets (each new move added to the sequence creates a new set). Each set will be done for 100 seconds. The players will get a 20 second break in between the sets during which the coach shows the next set. Total time is 10 minutes

Coaching Points:

- Start of the drill with a soft dribbling touch. You have to take on the defender, create forward momentum.

- The moves have to be executed aggressively. The goal of a move is to fake out the defender, which you will only be able to do if you actually do the move aggressive and at a high pace.

- After every move the player will have to change direction. After faking out the player you have to change direction to take the ball around them. You cannot move straight forward when doing the Magic 5.

- After doing the last move in each stage of the Magic 5 build up, we are looking for a clear change of pace. The player should be accelerating to the end of the channel while dribbling the ball with the foot that allows the player to shield the ball from the defender they just beat.

Created by Tommy Spijkers, PDSA Soccer

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 Games

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2 Games
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2v2 Games (15 mins)

Have the players play in 3 minute 2v2 games. Every game you change the teams (so they play with a different teammate against different players).

Every time a team wins both players will get 3 points. If they tie both players get 1 point.

After 10 games the player with the most points is the individual winner.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button