Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): U11-U12 TSP Week 5

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Am-Club: Oakville Soccer Club

Gareth Davies

Profile Summary

Gareth Davies
Name: Gareth Davies
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up/Phys Lit

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up/Phys Lit
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Warm Up/Phys Lit (15 mins)


- All players in a 20 x 20 area

- All players have a ball


 - All players dribble their ball around the area getting lots of touches on the ball

 - As they move around the coach will call go at which point the players have to change direction and accelerate with the ball

- Make this activity more specific by adding different skills and turns e.g start with on the coaches call the players must perform a scissors and accelerate in to the space 

- Progress by adding different movements which they will, then add to each other, resulting in the players performing 5-6 turns/skills back to back 

The focus here is on making sure that the players are getting lots of touches on the ball, changing their speed and direction and are thinking about the technical ways in which they can execute the changes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Session 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Session 1
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Session 1 (15 mins)


- Set up 4 pug nets on one side line numbered 1-4

- Place a a line of cones/flat discs 20 yards from the goals

- Place a flat disc/cone line 10 yards from the goals

- Place a Mannequin in between the two lines centrally

- Split the group in half with one group standing centrally on the far line with a ball each 

- The other half of the group will start at the mannequin


 - A player at the mannequin line will break off in to a space and ask for the ball

 - The player at the front of the far line will pass the ball in and call out a number 

 - The receiving player will look to receive and finish in to the corresponding net  with a maximum of 3 touches, without the ball moving and making sure the ball does not cross the mid line.

- Each group will work for 2 minutes attempting to score as many points as possible by scoring in the correct goals.


- 2 Touch max finish


Add in a GK that covers all goals and take out the numbers. The player now has to look to see where the defender is and take an informed first touch to finish.

The focus here is on creating good body shape, adjusting to the call to take a good first touch, then playing with speed and quality. Wed have to try and let the players figure out the best and quickest way of being successful, while offering simple key pieces of information that will enable them to improve.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Session 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Session 2
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Session 2 (15 mins)


- Set up 4 pug nets on one side line numbered 1-4

- Split the group in half

- One half starts in the middle of the 4 goals with a ball

- The other groups starts directly opposite 15 yards from goal, with a hurdle


 - The player at the far end of the field will jump side to side over the hurdles

 - The player with the ball will play it out and call a number

 - The player without the ball will leave the hurdle, get to the ball as quick as they can and finish in to the corresponding net.

- After each go the players will swap ends.

- Finish with a competition where its one team against the other


- The player who passed then ball becomes the defender and tries to stop the goal. In this instance there is no number called.

The focus here is working on the players first touch and first time pass. Are they able to adjust their body to get the right shape? Can they get a good connection? Can they react at speed to come and meet the ball but then have the calmness to find the finish.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Session 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Session 3
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Session 3 (15 mins)


 - Players are in pairs

 - Set a shooting line with cones, 15 yards from goal

 - Start with one pair in goal and all other pairs 20 yards from goal lined up

 - All the balls will start with the coach next to the goal


 - The coach will play the ball out to one of the players in the pair at the front of the shooting line

 - The player will have 1 touch to set their partner up for  shot

 - The partner must hit the shot first time

 - If they score they return to the line and get ready for another go

 - If they miss they are in net

 - The pair that concedes the least goals during the time period wins

The focus here is working on the players first touch, finishing techniques and having lots of fun!

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