Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Defensive Transistion

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David Pheasey

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David Pheasey
Name: David Pheasey
City: Waterford
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Transitioning to Defend

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Transitioning to Defend
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Transitioning to Defend (10 mins)


  •  Defending team (Reds) set up with a goalkeeper,a back four and a holding midfielder. The attackingteam (Blues) has one central midfield player and threeforward players. 
  • The goalkeeper starts the practice when they playinto one of his two centre-backs. They can then playunopposed through their midfield player and finally intoone of the full-backs. The full-back who receives theball must dribble at speed over the line and play theball into the small goal 
  • As soon as the full-back dribbles over the line, this isthe trigger for the opposing central midfield playerto play a pass into the space behind him to begin thecounter-attack.

Coaching Points:

  • react immediately to thetrigger, the transition from attack to defence as quickly as possible
  • centre-backs and holding-midfielder should providecover for the full-back - centre-backs must ste[ over to cover thespace in behind as they would in a match situation

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending Space in front and behind

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending Space in front and behind
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Defending Space in front and behind (20 mins)


  • The defending team(Reds) is organised into agoalkeeper and back four while the attacking team (Blue)is set up with a midfield four and one centre-forward 
  • each of the midfield four has a ball and stands opposite a defender with each player in possession numbered 1-4
  • On coach's call each midfielder dribblers forward at speed, with the back four backing off, on the coach's call a number becomes the ball in play and defenders must react to the game situation.
  • Defending team score by dribbling the ball back over the line - if the ball goes dead the practice restarts from the original posisiton.  

Coaching Points:

  • As soon as the coach calls the number, the defensiveunit must become organised quickly  - compact asap and protect the goal
  • The second defender must provide cover on the initial transition to prevent 1v1
  • centre-backs must be aware of the centre-forward,and the potential movement that player could make. (Movement in behind the back four or show and go)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending space behind, infront and out wide

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending space behind, infront and out wide
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Defending space behind, infront and out wide (30 mins)


  •  Blue Team centrebacks passing to the other just inside their own half. 
  • The receiving centre-back then either plays into thefeet of the attacking team of four (Yellows), to one ofthe (Blues) full-backs, or in behind, as shown in thediagram. 
  • The Blue full-backs can push up as far as the line as marked,which act as a reference line for the red team to start from. 
  • If they receive possession, Yellow team attempts to score.If the back four (Reds) wins the ball, they try to finda way to play into one of the mini-goals at the oppositeend of the pitch. 
  • Attackers get a point for scoring; defenders earn threepoints for playing into a mini-goal.

Coaching Points:

  • The wide defenders should be on the balls of their feet,ready to drop as the ball is played in behind.
  • Covering defenders should drop behind the defenderwho is released to enage, aiming to prevent any passesbeing played through for runs behind.
  • Full-backs should move narrow to stop the ball beingplayed through the gap between them and the nearestcentre-back
  • The opposite full-back (who can see the whole picture)or a centre-back with leadership qualities should dictatethe position of the defensive line.

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