Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Recovery Position Specific-Session 1

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Claire Burrows

Profile Summary

Claire Burrows
Name: Claire Burrows
City: Newcastle upon Tyne
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Block 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Block 1
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Block 1

4v4 +1 GK playing for Red Team  

Blue Team with 8/9/10 & 7 mirror 1-4-4-20

Red Team with 1/4/5/3/6 mirror 1-4-1-4-1

Red Team if win possess-6 seconds to play into x2 Goals, representing 7/11 for Transition. 

Matchday +2/-5 Low Tempo

1/2 Pt

2x7 Mins or (10 reps)

2 mins 30 between blocks for Rest 

Interventions-Coaching Process, Drive by, Terminal 

Block 1

Game starts with coach playing 1-2 with number 8 both sides of the mannequin to work on his 1 touch passing (L&R). After this phase the R6 becomes active and applies pressure. 8 to pass into 7 to challenge him in 1v1 situation vs 3. 

  • Target for B7 is beat 1v1 and supply the cross (Creativity, link up play with B8/9 to create 2v1 overload)
  • B8 (1 touch passing/line break passes for 7 to run onto in 2v1 overload situations)
  • Target for R3 working on 1v1 defending and stopping the cross (Recovery runs, Angle of run)
  • R4-Communication with R5 on working against 2v2 (same for R5)
  • R6 Tracking Run of R8 (recovery run)
  • R9/10 working as a pair to get into the right areas to finish
  • GK1-Working on Communication with x2 CBs to track runs

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Block2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Block2
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Red Team if win possess-6 seconds to play into x2 Goals, representing 7/11 for Transition.

Matchday +2/-5 Low Tempo

1/2 Pt

7 Mins or (10 reps)

Block 2

Game starts with coach playing 1-2 with number 8 both sides of the mannequin to work on his 1 touch passing (L&R). After this phase the R6 becomes active and applies pressure. 8 to pass into 7 to challenge him in 1v1 situation vs 3.

Same as block 1, but no for R4 to stop the cross by intercepting at the near post. R5 now working on decision making of who is most dangerous to track or to defend the 2nd 6yrd box zonal depending up on the delivery of the ball and communication with R6 to track the 10. If the ball goes out to B8, R6 to press quickly. 

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