Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): BFC U9 TRAINING 060324

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Pro-Club: FAI - Coach Education

Eddie Wallace

Profile Summary

Eddie  Wallace
Name: Eddie Wallace
City: Nenagh
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1 (10 mins)


Goalkeeper, 2 defenders amnd three attackers on the pitch.  Ball is with the Red attackers.

Red attackers must use their numerical advantage to creat overloads to score.

If defence recovers the ball, two additional player enter play to create a 4 v 3 game.   Defenders should work the ball out effectively to score in either of the 3 small goals.

Coaching Points:

Communication vital between overloaded defenders to organise.

Good movement necessary by attackers to creat space for overloads.

Additional  defensive wide players must assume open body positions to receive passes if possession is recovered.

Goalkeeper can be used to if required to create  a 5 v 3. 

Attacking team -  Player IN THE BEST POSITION should get the ball.   

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): U9 Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): U9 Warm up
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U9 Warm up (15 mins)


All players into tjhe penalty area with their own football.

Coaches to the side of the penalty box.

1. On the Run.  FRee dribbling with ball close to body.  Turn on command.  Awareness not to bump into each other.

2. On the Loo.  PLayers sit on the ball on command.

  Resume No. 1

3. On the knee   All players put one knee on the ball.  Resume No. 1

4. On the floor.   All players lie flat cushioning the ball with their forehead.  Resume No. 1 on   completion.   Players exchange wall passes with a coach and receive back with open body   position.

5. To the side.  All players dibble to the nearest sideline on command and wait.  Resume No.   1 on completion

6. Do a trick.   Players free to demonstrate a trick they have mastered with the ball.  

7. Up to heaven.   Players throw ball in the air and instantly control the dropping ball.

Repeat as required

Coaching Points:

Warm up drill to permit players to express a full range of skills. Promotes awareness and scanning off the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3 (10 mins)


All shooters line up on left of goal.

Player A plays a wall pass with Coach C.

Receive ball back and must shoot before reaching the edge of the Penalty area.  Rejoin at the end of the line

Next player repeat.

Repeat exercise on other side of the Box.

Coaching Points:

To improve distribution, control, dribbling and shhoting skills.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Repeat (toggle)
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