Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Different Types Of Ball Control

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Liam Williamson

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Liam Williamson
Name: Liam Williamson
City: grimsby
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical/Blocked

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical/Blocked
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Technical/Blocked (15 mins)

Technical/blocked part of the session.

Each of the players get there selfs into pairs. Within they're pairs they have a football, one of the participants will be throwing the ball to their partner. They're partner must control it on the surface of the body instructed by me and play the ball back. They will swap every 5 attempts each.

We are going to be working on three different surfaces to control the ball with during this session. We will be using foot, thigh and our chest.

Key Points;

- Being on balls of feet ready to control the ball

- Relaxing the body on impact of the ball

- Body positioning to ensure get the best control possible

For this part of the session I will need;

6 footballs

12 cones to mark out the square

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Variable Skills Pratice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Variable Skills Pratice
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Variable Skills Pratice (15 mins)

Variable/ Skilled Part of the session.

For this part of the session I will need 6 participants on the outside of the square, these participants need a football. On the inside 4 of the participants will be the 'attackers' the must run around the square recieving the ball from the feeders and then control using one of the three surfaces we'd just been learning. The other 2 participants will be the defenders for this part of the session, for the beginning of the session they will just be applying pressure to the attackers without tackling.


- This time when a attacker recieves a ball, he can't pass the ball back to a feeder he recieved the ball from, he must control the must and go find a different feeder on the outside to pass the ball to.

- When attackers get comfortable controlling and understand the session fully allow defenders to be able to make a tackle.

Key Points;

- Making the correct decision about what surface to use for controlling the ball

- Being aware of were defenders are and the space is

- Position of body when recieving the ball

For this part of the session I will need;

- 6 footballs

- 16 cones to mark out sqaure

- 12 bibs, 6 of one colour, 4 of one colour, 2 of a different colour

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game
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Small Sided Game (20 mins)

Small Sided Game; 6 v 6 small sided game. Playing a normal 6v6 small sided game. Keep a eye on ball control.

Progression; After 10 minutes of normal play to score a goal the must first control the ball with their foot to score. Once they've achieved this they must then control the ball with their thigh before they can score a goal. Once achieved this to score a next goal they must control the ball with their chest before they scan score a goal. This helps them to work on their ball control in a game sitatuion.

Key Points;

- Types of different control used

- Using the right control at the right time in game situations

For this part of the session I will need;

- 1 football

- Whole of the pitch and 2 goals

- 6 bibs of one colour, 6 bibs of a different colour

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Self Asessment

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Self Asessment
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Self Asessment

Self Assesment;

I felt before the session this maybe a little advanced for the boys but thought they coped with the parts of the session to a high standard. I thought the skilled practice worked well, made good decisions, However the boys seem to lose motivation during the small sided game, I would maybe take out the progression next time delivering this session. For next time I would keep the blocked and skilled part of the session the same but change the small sided game by taking away the progression. On a whole I was pleased how the session went.

Word Count; 100 words

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