Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): MDG (1) > SSG PASSING & RECEIVING WHEN PLAYING THROUGH THE 1/3RDS (Start Time: 2016-12-05 10:30:00)

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Jon Whitney

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Jon Whitney
Name: Jon Whitney
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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main objective of session is the receiving players body position & movement to create space and passing options through the 1/3rds

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): PREP: ORGANISATION

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): PREP: ORGANISATION
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*Two 10 x 10 grids 20 yds apart with manequinn central at front of grid

*Two 5yd coned gates (blue) 5 yds wider than grids at 10 yd point

*four 5 yd poled gates level with back of grids & 40 yds apart

*5 players at the back of each grid (replicate drill if you have larger coaching group)

* 1 ball

set up:

player 1 starts with ball > player 1 passes to player 2 who has stepped in to position A to receive on the half turn > player 2 plays a forward pass to player 3 and then pulls off to point B to receive a return pass > player 2 then takes the ball on his back foot with body position open and plays another forward pass into player 4 who has stepped ijn to repeat the process

* after playing pass to start play player 1 then sprints through gate to simulate a high press and then recovers (protects space) back through poled gate and returns to back of his own group

*player 2 also completes same run after playing to player 4


*emphasise a double movement at back of manequinn to arrive into space to receive ball on back foot with an open body position

*encourage player to see next picture with a scan as he moves to receive ball

*biomechanics of movement is key with player staying in a reactive state with triple flexion & weight through the balls of feet and with nose over toes.

*on all pressing movements educate player on angle of press and to break small and grow tall during the deceleration/acceleration phase.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): PREP: progression 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): PREP: progression 1
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PREP: progression 1 (5 mins)


*same movement patterns & keypoints as phase 1 but this time the player will press through blue gate then assess to then press again finishing through poled gate at opposite end to join other team.

* encourage tempo on the pass/movement to replicate a quick transition and to play 1st pass forward

* receiving player can change his direction of ball manipulation to make it position specific as long as they open up 1st to receive.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): PREP: progression 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): PREP: progression 2
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PREP: progression 2 (5 mins)


*pressing movement is now a sprint to blue gate > assess > sprint to opposite poled gate > recovery back into shape through oppositer poled gate and join own team

* player receiving pass can now travel with ball after 1-2 with team mate


highlight importance of pulling away from ball to receive open side to open up pitch and improve passing options

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DRILL > MDG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): DRILL > MDG
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DRILL > MDG (30 mins)


*playing area 36x25 with width split into 5 yard channels & length split into 1/3rds (12 yds) with flat markers used for inside playing area

*5v5 central area with 5 players from each team in end zones 3&2

*trigger for play is coach with 20 balls

SET UP: No of players 20

*all in central areas with outside players 2 touch

*8 passes = a goal with outside pass counting as 1

*2 min games with 5 double sets (inside/end zone= 1 set)

*let play continue for 1st double set with coaching points delivered between sets

*play always starts from coach at point A

Main objective:

*can player receiving the ball open up his body and take pass on back foot to open up play to either travel or pass through the 1/3rds

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Problem: Solution 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Problem: Solution 1
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Problem: Solution 1

Problem 1: The straight pass

*receiving player comes down the line of the ball for a straight pass from outside team mate which prevents him playing 1st pass forward and allows opponent to press more easily

Solution: Create space & passing options

*encourage receiving player to pull away from the ball &open up his body to receive an angled pass to his back foot. The channels you have marked out can be used as reference points to encourage players to receive pass in a different channel to outside team mate making the pass. A double movement will help to create space and enable the space vacated to be filled by team mate which will drag opponents out of an organised defensive shape.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Problem 2:

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Problem 2:
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Problem 2:


*The yellow team find it difficult to play through the 1/3rds or to complete the 8 passes to score a goal as there is no fluidity to there play. The main reason is that all players are attracted to the ball which is limiting space resulting in increased difficulty to retain ball. It is too easy for the red team to lock them in and force a turn over.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Solution to problem 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Solution to problem 2
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Solution to problem 2

Solution: More expansive in possession creates following options

*Ask the yellow team to give width & depth in the 1/3 closest to the ball > 1 yellow player needs to stretch the line and pull of the shoulder in the final 1/3 with the remaining 2 yellows filling the mid 1/3.

* In this still shot the yellow team No 6 can step into space to receive pass on the half turn or if red defender tracks his run then he is looking for the trigger for a bounce pass to play out to yellow No's 3 or 2 who make a forward run to receive and link play through the 1/3rds.

* Yellow No 6 can pull on the half turn and receive pass on his back foot to play 1st time into the final 1/3


* The body position of the player receiving the pass is key to enable him to see the movement of his team mates off the ball and even if passing channels are blocked he can always chop back to retain possession.

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