Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): 9UG Academy - Shooting (Start Time: 2017-10-25 17:30:00)

Profile Summary

Robert Capewell
Name: Robert Capewell
City: Gonzales
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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1) Players will become more familiar with the technique of how to shoot the soccer ball

2) Players will become more familiar with shooting at a target

3) Players will be able to apply their understanding and skill in a game-like setting.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sharks & Minnows

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Sharks & Minnows
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Sharks & Minnows (10 mins)

Sharks & Minnows

In normal sharks and minnows, there is only 1 shooter (Shark) and lots of runners (Minnows). In this game, everyone is a shooter and everyone is a runner. The objective for every player is to (1) shoot their soccer ball at the other team to hit them and (2) to not get hit by a soccer ball. If the players do get hit by a soccer ball then the group will set a forefeit for what must be accomplished before they can join back in the game.

Players can be competitive by collecting their own points of how many players they hit. In each repetition they will be asked to beat that score by 1.

Rep 1-4 = Going over the technique of shooting (Each rep will last 90 seconds)

Technical Coaching Points

1) Plant the standing foot next to the ball,

2) Leaning back to get height on the ball

3) High back swing and then strikethrough the ball,

4) Use instep, laces, outside and toe.

5) Body movement going towards the player or goal they are shooting or passing to.

6) Lock out the ankle for a firmer strike

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1 - Shoot or Pass 1v1s into 2v1s

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1 - Shoot or Pass 1v1s into 2v1s
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Activity 1 - Shoot or Pass 1v1s into 2v1s (15 mins)

Activity 1 - Shoot or Pass 1v1s into 2v1s

The blue players will be designated wtih a goal and so will the red players. The pugg goal out wide is a passing goal. They will have half of a large goal to score in as well. This will be a shooting goal.

Reps 1-3 = 1v1s (90 second repetitions - focus on the player's approach and technique to the pass or shot)

- Water break -

Reps 4-6 = 2v1s (2 minute repetitins - Focus on the individual player's approach and technique to the pass or shot)

Water break -

Technical Coaching Points

1) Plant the standing foot next to the ball,

2) Leaning back to get height on the ball

3) High back swing and then strikethrough the ball,

4) Use instep, laces, outside and toe.

5) Body movement going towards the player or goal they are shooting or passing to.

6) Lock out the ankle for a firmer strike

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2 - Shoot or Pass 3v2s/3v3s

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2 - Shoot or Pass 3v2s/3v3s
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Activity 2 - Shoot or Pass 3v2s/3v3s (15 mins)

Activity 2 - Shoot or Pass 3v2s/3v3s

Players can play soccer all over the field but must only score in the middle zone. They now have 2 passing goals each and a full size goal for each team.

Repetitions = 4 minutes each (Each repetition will be competitive by the amount of goals each team scores - Every game they will start a fresh)

Rep 1 - Free Play

Rep 2 - Must get into the end zone and pass it back for a player to shoot (How can you set up your team mate to shoot - Working in pairs)

Rep 3 - Focus on where the game is - Can go back to scoring however they want.

Technical Coaching Points

1) Plant the standing foot next to the ball,

2) Leaning back to get height on the ball

3) High back swing and then strikethrough the ball,

4) Use instep, laces, outside and toe.

5) Body movement going towards the player or goal they are shooting or passing to.

6) Lock out the ankle for a firmer strike

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game - 6v6

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game - 6v6
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Game - 6v6 (15 mins)

Game - 6v6

Focus Points

1) Focus on the GK (What can they use? Hands - How can they distribute? Roll)

2) When the GK has the ball (Goal Kick or save) where do the 2 defenders go? Wide - Then where do they go to after the ball has been distributed? Central. WHY? To cover the space.

3) Soccer Savvy = Quick Throw in. WHY?

Technical Coaching Points

1) Plant the standing foot next to the ball,

2) Leaning back to get height on the ball

3) High back swing and then strikethrough the ball,

4) Use instep, laces, outside and toe.

5) Body movement going towards the player or goal they are shooting or passing to.

6) Lock out the ankle for a firmer strike

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