Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Defending with a back 6

Profile Summary

Ryan Betteney
Name: Ryan Betteney
City: Rhondda
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Defending in the final 3rd with back 6

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Set up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Set up
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Set up

Defending in the final third

Set up:

Defending team - 3 Centre backs, 2 full backs, 1 holding midfielder

Attacking team - 2 no.9s, 1 no.10, wide left, wide right, 2 holding midfielders and 1 Centre back (limited to centre circle)

Ball starts with centre back in semi circle who starts the phase off with the attacking team.

1) Attackers look to score and play as they would on match day

2) Defenders objective - to win the ball and pass back to BLUE centre back within 5 passes (Ball remains with attacking team (Focus on topic)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase 1
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Phase 1

Initial set up when play begins

1) Centre backs create a 3 v 2 against the strikers

2) Full backs narrow in to condense space for strikers

3) Holding midfielder (Red) looks to screen ball to the 10 and 9 (Depending on which side the ball is being played)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase 2 - played is played wide

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase 2 - played is played wide
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Phase 2 - played is played wide (30 mins)

Defending on the wide areas

On the ball

1) When Opposition have ball in wide areas, Red Full back presses with a bent run, blocking the space in behind (white box)

Around the ball

2) Centre backs compact space around striker (if blue wide player plays a one two into the striker, centre back goes with the blue wide player with red full back cutting back inside to block the no.9 and passing lane)

3) Holding midfielder screens the pass into no.9 - this would limit the options of blue wide player playing a one two.

Off the ball

4) 3rd Centre back closes in on the space (holding the line with other two centre backs) to protect and mark the 2nd no.9.

5) Opposite red full back closes space inside to press and cover with holding midfielder (If ball is switched then, cover and press repeats as shown for the right hand side)

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