Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Spring Impact Week1 S1 : 1st Defender (Delay)

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Am-Club: Harrison Youth Soccer Club

Jorge Hernandez

Profile Summary

Jorge Hernandez
Name: Jorge Hernandez
City: Mount Kisco
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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For this session players recap defending principles. The focus will be on delaying the attacker by correct body shape in order to slow down the attacker. Player's will be guided on their approach to delay (pressure) and the mechanics of a defensive stance. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): skill square

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): skill square
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skill square (10 mins)


  • 30x20 field split into 4 grids
  • each player with a soccer ball 
  • 2 pug goals



1. each grid will be assigned a skill move an d players must perform the skill moves using both feet

2. players will perform skill moves and rotate every minute clockwise or counter clock wise on coach demand 


Skill Set list: 


 V turn, L turn, U turn, Feint, Double scissors, Step overs, Ronaldo chop, Maradona, Elastico, Cryuff Turn, the Okocha, Cannon, Reverse L turn, Slap cut, La croqueta, Mcgeady spin etc



Square 1:

variation: V Turn, L Turn, U turn combo

variation: sole roll/step over combo 


Square 2:

scissor/double scissors 


Square 3:

inside outside using both feet


Square 4:

Ronaldo chop 



Coaching Points

-close ball control

-execution of move

-skill combinations

-observation and awareness of space

-defensive stance (side on, knees bent, low center of gravity) 

-approach to ball (sprint to ball then slow down when you are 1 arm length away) 

-speed of play


Progression 1: 


1. each player will be in a training position behind their ball and will wait for coach to shout GO!

2. each player will try to find another ball inside their square and will work on their approach and defensive stance 

3. the last player to get to a ball will have to do 10 push ups


Progression 2: 


1. coach will a number 1-4 the team that is in that number square must leave their square and go press to regain the ball from other squares

2. only 2 defenders are allowed per square 

3. if defenders regain ball they can score in any pug goal


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Defend (Deny penetration)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Defend (Deny penetration)
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1v1 Defend (Deny penetration) (15 mins)


20x30 field divided into 3 grids

groups of 4 players. per grid

spare soccer balls



1. Defender passes the ball to attacker and must hold him behind the middle line (highlighted line) for 5 seconds/regain ball & score to win 2 points 

2. attacker must go to goal and if attacker loses the ball then they must transition to becoming a defender 

3. make it into a competition first defender to score 5 goals wins 2 MVP points


Coaching Points

Defending 4D's

-Delay the attacker

-Deny penetration

-Dictate the attackers movement of where you want them to move

using body position

-Defend ,using a tackling technique or deflect the ball away


Defending 1v1 principles

- Deny penetration via position on field.

- Body position in order to see the whole field.

- Reading visual cue of attacking player’s pass for a possible

interception i.e. eye contact made, head is down to pass.

- If interception is not possible, pressure ball to prevent turn

and make attacker receive on front foot.

-Angle of approach/shape of run to make play predictable

-Can I separate attacker with the ball from supporting player,

make it 1v1

-Reading visual cues of receiving player in order to decide whether pressure should be applied tightly and/or tackle as

they receive. If receiving player has lifted head up after receiving, defender should look to jockey/retreat.

-Assessing opportunity to tackle, has the attacking player offered the chance to make a challenge? i.e. poor touch or lifted head to assess options.

-Distance from first attacker to determine space in behind.

-Track runner as the ball moves, don’t ball watch



-remove 5 second rule

-open play

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 defending transition

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 defending transition
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1v1 defending transition (20 mins)



1. player A will dribble towards the left goal and take a shot unopposed vs the left goalkeeper


2. after player A shoots the ball that player will transition to defend vs player B who will dribble attempt to score on the right goal vs the right goalkeeper

3. when the play breaks down next player in line A will became the attacker and player B will defend



Coaching Points

dribbling technique (attack space with confidence) 

head up to attack space

4 E's 1v1 attacking principles

Entry, Execution, Exit touch, End Product

4 D's of defending 

Delay, Deny, Dictate, Defend

-Delay the attacker

-Deny penetration

-Dictate the attackers movement of where you want them to move using body position

-Defend ,using a tackling technique or deflect the ball away

Types of tackles

  • -Poke ,using your back foot to push off towards the ball using the front surface of your foot to poke the ball out from attackers feet
  • -Block ,using your side on stance & keeping your back foot firm as the attacker goes to penetrate use the inside or out side surface of your foot to deny penetration creating block
  • -Slide this tackle is often used as the last resort ,using your leading foot slide into an area where the attacker looks to penetrate
  • making contact with only the ball, toes must be pointed down and you must always lead with one foot.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Scrimmage
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Scrimmage (30 mins)


field size 20x25

2 pugs or 4 pugs with goals with GK

spare balls



- team must set themselves with 3 lines of attack defense- midfield- forward

-observe game and let players make decisions

-if necessary step in and guide players on when to dribble, pass or shoot

-most importantly naturally enforce topic that was practiced on today's session



Coaching Points:


-reinforce knowledge of game rules (restarts and game related topics)

-enforce what was practiced on the session



Principle of Play Week 1: Delay 

pressure from the front 1v1 principles 

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