Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Week 4, Session 1

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Federico Sanmartin

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Federico Sanmartin
Name: Federico Sanmartin
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Principle of Play: Compactness

1. Angle and distance of cover: don't allow a pass or shot between.

2. Urgency

3. Communication

4. Body orientation: see ball, teammates and attackers.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG: 5v5+1 Compactness

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG: 5v5+1 Compactness
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SSG: 5v5+1 Compactness (15 mins)

Set Up: 35*45 grid with three vertical zones.

Players: 5v5+1 or 4v4+1 with two set ups.

Description: Regular rules apply. The defensive team in Red must fill the lane with the ball and the next lane over, leaving the far lane open. When the ball is in the middle lane, they can occupy all three lanes but should stay condensed towards the middle lane. The exercise teaches defensive shape and compactness.

Questions: When defending, when would we want to keep all players close together?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defensive Zonal Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defensive Zonal Game
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Defensive Zonal Game (15 mins)

Set Up: 40*20 grid split into three zones (two 15*20 end zones; 10*20 middle zone).

Players: 3 teams of 5 players.

Description: Zonal Game - Team 1 (Blue) starts with the ball and combine with the objective of passing through the central zone defended by Team 2 (Red), onto Team 3 (Yellow). If the pass gets through, Team 2 remains as the defending team and Team 3 attempts to do the same back to Team 1. If Team 2 is able to intercept the ball or the ball goes out of play, they switch zones with the team that last touched the ball. Team 2 is allowed to send the first defender.

Questions: How can the central team prevent passes going between them? Moving together, staying compact, communicating and talking.

What happens if the defending team is flat? Too easy to pass through.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7 Horizontal Compactness

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 7v7 Horizontal Compactness
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7v7 Horizontal Compactness (15 mins)

Set Up: Quarter field at Pine Glen divided into four horizontal zones. Balls behind goals.

Players: 14 players - 6 red, 6 blue + 2 goalkeepers. Rotate subs every 2 minutes.

Description: Play a regular game with regular rules. After three minutes add the following condition: the defending team must have all their players in the zone with the ball and the zone immediately behind the zone where the ball is located. As the attacking team plays into a different zone, the defending team must adjust and move into two new zones.

KFs: First, second and third defender responsibilities.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): King's/Queen's Court

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): King's/Queen's Court
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King's/Queen's Court (15 mins)

Set Up: Quarter field at Pine Glen. Balls along the outside.

Players: 3 teams of 5 players (one team will have a subsitute). 5 outfield and 1 goalkeeper for each team on field. Two active teams; third team rests.

Description: Play 6v6 (including GK) - King's / Queen's court. All regular rules apply, including retreat line. Team that scores stays and quickly attacks the other way (after scoring). Resting team jumps on the field to defend. Team that got scored on leaves the field.

Key Factors:

All coaching points from the session - focus on compactness and balance. Look for players to get in behind the ball and make the right decision as to when to press and when not to press. Ensure the defending team is not allowing penetrating passes to go through and have good overall shape.

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