Name: | Edgar Zazueta |
City: | Sacramento |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Objective: Creating movement off the ball
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Three cones in a triangle 3 yds apart. Two players with a ball.
Ball is passed through the triangle, whichever window the player receives through is CLOSED for the return pass. So player B takes a first touch to another side of the triangle and then plays the return to A. Etc. Two-touch limit.
Coaching Points:
Positive first touch
Keep your distance from triangle so you have an angle for your first touch
On your toes to receive
Quick movement based on where receiver takes his first touch so that you're open for the return pass
P - Add scoring. Players start with 10 points. If you miss the triangle -1pt. If you take more than 2 touches -1pt.
R - Allow a third touch.
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7 v. 2 rondo
Everyone starts with 3 points. If you lose the ball you go in the middle and lose a point. (Initial defenders don't lose a point.) You can win the point back if you split the two defenders.
Coaching Points:
- Know your next objective
- Quick decisions
- Split defenders
- Use body to deceive defenders
- One-touch
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Passing (Possession/Directional drill) (25 mins)
Area - 25x30
4 cones on each corner
Footballs allocated on the outside of the area with the coach
2 teams of 6
4 inside the area, 2 on the outside
30mins in total (including breaks)
3 x 3minute blocks (technical practice)
3 x 3minute blocks (skill practice 1)
2 x 5minut3 block (skill practice 2)
Technical Practice
The aim is to receive the ball from an outside player, pass it through the middle of the area and play it out towards the opposite outside player.
The reds will be playing one direction, whilst the blues play the in the opposite direction.
Players must remain in their 1/4, focus is placed on the technique and type of pass (depending on the distances between players)
Both teams will play at the same time, unopposed.
Skill Practice 1
Same aim and targets as the technical practice. Flat discs are removed and the area is opened up into one big zone. 1 ball, reds vs blues team. Aim is to play the ball through the middle area, and transfer across to your own team mates.
Skill Practice 2
Same aim and targets as skill practice 1, however, end players are neutral players and will play for the team in possession. To help with this, their bibs are removed and they support the team in possession.
Coaching Points
Consider the angle in which you receive the ball, are you receiving the ball on your back foot so that you can play forward and advance.
Concentrate on technique and type of pass (vary depending on distances).
Identify stance when receiving the ball, is it flat or is your body opened up to see where your players are, where opposite players are to support your decision making on the ball.
Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions):
Limit the amount of touches in the middle area
Reduce the area size to increase intensity and decision making on the ball
Increase are size, to allow players more time on the ball
Challenges, Conditions or Targets:
How fast can you get the ball from one target player to the next (1/2 passes)
Limit touches to the outside players to encourage ball rolling time in the middle zone.
If successful, gain a point for each time you switch the ball without the opposition team intercepting it
The initial dividing of the area was helpful as it allowed time for players to concentrate on their technique and type of pass.
The zones however limited player movement and became not realistic as players had a big area of not being opposed. Block time for the technical aspect of it may have overran for too longs as players became bored quickly due to the unrealistic nature
Player numbers allowed for an evenly split two squads, however if not, a neutral player would have been considered especially within the skill practice.
Outside players again, became disinterested at certain points which caused play intensity to reduce as they took 5/6seconds to make a decision. By applying limited touches to the outside players increased play intensity and allowed to ball rolling time to be positive for those players within the area.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Moment: Attacking
Score more goals than opponent
Player Actions
Pass/dribble • Spread out
Key Qualities
Read game/make decisions • Optimal technical
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up/Conditioning (20 mins)
Duration : 12 mins
PHASE 1 (5 mins)
Perform warm up exercise on the way to top cone while jogging slowly back to start cone. Increase intensity as warm up progresses. last three exercises should be "strides" with increasing intensity of 50%, 75%, 100%.
PHASE 2 Coerver Chase Drill (6 mins)
Team divides into line on opposite side facing each other.
1) One line starts by player #1 sprinting towards opposite line and goes around first small cone and returns towards original line
2) Player 2 starts sprinting towards opposite line when player makes the turn at small cone. Player 1 joins the back of the line of the line in which they started.
3) Player 3 begins the sprint when player 2 makes the turn at small cone. Player 2 rejoins original line.
Intervals: 3 mins, the rest 30 secs, continue with second 3 min interval.