Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Shooting for Confidence

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Benjamin Brown

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Benjamin Brown
Name: Benjamin Brown
City: Cardiff
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Learning Objectives


Screen 1 (15 mins)


Area: 40 x 30

Equipment: 6 Balls, 1 Green Bib, 1 Yellow Bib, 1 flat red marker, 1 yellow flat marker, 1 mannequin.

Players: 2, ST and playmaker.

Objective: In Screen 1, the striker plays a 1-2 pass to the playmaker and proceeds to strike the ball first time to score a goal.

Challenges: the practice is unopposed and so the striker can become confident with striking the ball.

Targets: the striker will score points for hitting the target in the corners away from the goalkeeper. The striker will tally up his/her points after every 6 attempts, trying to improve each time to obtain maximum scores. The coach can offer addional 2 points for getting every shot on target.

Progressions: Include more mannequins (Screen 2) to offer a visual challenge to the striker and look to increase accuracy. Introduce a goalkeeper for added realism and increasing the challenge of the practice. Shoot early from outside of the box. Screen 3 displays the striker running between 2 defenders to recieve a through ball from the playmaker. This offers an realistic scenario where the play is active and the attacking unit is moving forward. Furthermore 2 defenders could be included to replace the mannequins to provide pressure without tackling the player, however interceptions could be made if the pass from the playmaker or movement of the striker was poor.

Regressions: allow player to take 1 touch before shooting if return pass isn't good, or if the player needs more time to adapt. Allow player to retake chance if pass from playmaker is poor.

Coaching points: coach the players technique when striking the ball, the run up to adjust feet, standing foot (side of the ball), use of laces, body shape/position (head over the ball), follow through on the shot for added power. Consider placement type shots using finesse finishing, inside of the foot.

Geography/Realism: The area of the pitch highlighted the position of the striker and playmaker in screen 1, 2 and 3 of the practice are where the striker will look to receive the ball before having an attempt on goal. Using mannequins can diminish the realism as it is unopposed, however building a striker's confidence can be a gradual process and getting the technical skills in the outset is key.

Confidence Building: Use praise when the striker shows good technique, even when missing chances. Play down these missed chances, and offer words of optimism like "the more attempts on goal the higher the likelihood of you scoring".

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Learning Objectives


Screen 2 (15 mins)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Learning Objectives


Screen 3 (15 mins)

In screen 3 The playmaker must dribble the ball from the red marker near the ball nest, and release the ball via a through ball between defensive mannequins before the 2 red markers. The trigger for the striker to move, is when the playmaker begins his/her run with the ball The striker must delay making the run at full speed, and consider body movements, drop of the shoulder to foil the potential marker, before running onto the split pass from the playmaker.

Playmaker must consider weight of pass, space behind defenders, timing of the pass and accuracy.

To increase the realism and to ensure the passing is right, include a goalkeeper who may rush out if the pass is hit too hard, and defenders for when the pass is too short.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button