Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Phase 1 Week 1 Session 1 - Building the play U17s 08/02/24 (Start Time: 2024-01-09 17:30:00)

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Pro-Club: Capalaba Bulldogs FC

Lee Burwood

Profile Summary

Lee Burwood
Name: Lee Burwood
City: Alexandra Hills
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Session Objective:

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): shadow play/passingpatterns

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): shadow play/passingpatterns
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shadow play/passingpatterns (15 mins)

Organisation:  The team to be setup up in 1-3-5-2 formation to work through uncontested shadow play/passing patterns in full shape on half field.

Key focus

formation understanding

passing pattern understanding

positional understanding

rotations/ off ball movement

adaptability under pressure

Coaching Points:


Passing - ball speed, direction, deciding whether to pass to feet or into space, passing to the task, using the correct part of the foot for the right type of pass
Receiving - using the correct part of the foot to receive the ball, receiving the ball to continue the ball in the direction of play, soft feet on receiving, body shape

Crossing - looking up before crossing, aiming for attacker, eye contact with attacker, ball speed, whipped cross, drilled cross, floated cross

Finishing - always finish on a goal, hitting the target, use both feet, use head, placement of shots, power of shots, using appropriate part of the foot.

positional understanding, working on and off the ball, moving into space, checking off markers, working as individual units (defence,mid,att), working as a complete unit (whole squad) rotations before/after a pass/cross/shot, rest defence, saftey net, balance between def/att


Scanning, vision, confidence, bravery, making the right decisions, learning from mistakes, focus on the task, pushing through tough times


Team work, communication, verbal, non verbal, signals, cues, triggers, enjoyment, fun, team togetherness


Running, passing, crossing, shooting, heading, strength


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing/Receiving

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing/Receiving
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Passing/Receiving (25 mins)

Organisation: Passing and receiving practice

4 stations setup, 3 poles per station set in a triangle, 1 gate with cones at the tip of the triangle about 5m from triangle, 3 players per station.

Each part to work for 90 seconds then one player switches with passer at the gate

total of 3 parts, 1st pattern, 1st progression, 2nd progression

1st pattern - ball to start with player at the cone gate - player at tip of the triangle checks off to receive the ball - they open up to pass to player on one of the corners of the triangle and passes - the player receiving should check off before receiving take their touch past the pole and play back to the player at the cone gates.

1st progression - same ball movement but player and tip of the triangle to make double movement before receiving then play bounce pass with player at cone gate before playing to player on corner of triangle

2nd progression - every from pattern and 1st progression but another bounce past is played between the players in triangle around the pole before playing back to cone gate

After each play through the player in triangle will rotate poles

Coaching Points:


Passing quality - High accuracy of passing, find the feet of the receiver and when playing back to cone gate ensure we keep the pass back inside the cone gate, pass to the correct foot so the receiver can take and effective first touch to keep the flow going.

Receiving quality - Always look to take the first touch with the back foot (foot furthest from the ball) to be able to take our first touch in the direction we want to play.

Body shape when receiving, when receiving on the half turn, delay touch slightly to allow body to travel across your body then take touch in direction we want to play, delay movement off pole to last second to get timings to receive correct, make the double movements on the progressions deliberate and exact, we are trying to draw opponents out of shape, draw them in and exploit spaces created

Shoulder checking/Scanning - we have to check shoulders multiple times, before asking for the ball when checking off, as ball is travelling, when touch is taken, to ensure we can play the pass accurately as receiver is moving

Soft feet when receiving - we want to guide and control the ball in the direction of play, we don't just want to stick a foot out and let in bounce off anywhere


Learn and try to apply learning from errors we make, it cannot be perfect every time but we have to take some away from the error to apply to our next attempt


-Encouragement of teammates

- Praise when done well

- lift up when errors happen

-demand the intensity be high

-expectation to do it properly, set the standards

-team building moments


- quick movements between pole

- high speed 

-high intensity


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): build play from back

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): build play from back
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build play from back (30 mins)

Organisation: Half field and field split into 5 lanes, 

8v6 possession game, attacking team (blue) to build up from the back to look to score in mini goals on half way

defending team (yellow) to try and stop them and can score in big goal if they win the ball 

Ball to start with GK/Coach in the big goal

Coaching Points:


The positioning of the centre-backs is vital to building from the back successfully.

The middle centre-back should play on one side of the six-yard box. If the goalkeeper is right-footed, the centre-back should line up on the left. If the goalkeeper is left-footed, the centre-back should move to the right.

The other centre-backs then try and play on the outside shoulder of the first line of the pressing players.

The advanced midfielders (#7 and #10) should attempt to play in the ‘corridors’ (lanes 2 and 4 in the diagrams).

They should also attempt to play behind the opposition midfield line. This will pin the midfielders and prevent them from affecting the 4v2 scenario shown in
Diagram 1 on the previous page.

Any time the opposition midfield presses, drilled passes can be played into the advanced midfielders for them to play forward.

Any time the opposition attempts to press, a deeper midfielder needs to arrive to be an option to play into.

When this happens, they will generally be able to bounce with one touch to one of the wider centre-backs. They can now progress the ball by either dribbling or passing forward.


Throughout this practice, players should be encouraged to stay on the ball until an opponent presses them. Once they have been pressed, they should attempt to work the ball to the spare player.

An example could be the goalkeeper standing with the ball to entice the opposition striker to press. Once they press, they should look to find a centre-back or deep midfielder quickly to allow progression up the pitch.


The out-of-possession team should be encouraged to defend in a number of ways, but always look to either press or drop off into a mid-block and protect.

This will pose the attacking team with a variety of problems to overcome.


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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Organisation: SSG 7v7 

Coaching Points:

Observe for understanding of session topic, encourage to apply what has been learnt, let them play


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