Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): REL TB 08/09 ORANGE 8/27/19 FUNINO 3v1 plus 3v1 with trailing defender

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Carl Fleming

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Carl Fleming
Name: Carl Fleming
City: Spring
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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Screen 1 (15 mins)

After Dynamic Warmup players play a 3v3 game with a Funino Field and Rules on Multiple fields

15 minutes

-Dribble in or Pass in, No corners

-Score in one direction in either goal inside the scoring zone line

-if there is foul then it results in a "Penalty Attack" 3v2 with player that committed the foul trailing the play on the begining of the penalty attack with the one player with the ball on their own scoring zone line and the other four players on the opposite scoring zone line

*Coach can add in other restrictions like (one touch finishing in scoring zone, combination play, etc.)

-During this phase the Coach observes and only helps enforce restrictions

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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Screen 2 (20 mins)

3 v 1 prepatory games for Funino- Add on a restriction on each lesson and use guided discovery for player learning

30 minutes

a. Players must advance the ball accross the field with each player touching the ball and scoring in the scoring zone

Defenders come out 1 at a time starting on opposite scoring zone line (have 1 or two teams in the defending line)

Defenders aim to win ball and can score from anywhere into the the two counter goals.

After Each attacking team has had 6 attacks then rotate defenders and attackers. Also When attacking team goes back to the starting position then have them start in new positions (LW, CM, RW)

Probing questions-What is best shape and why?

b. Players must advance the ball maintaining a triangle shape at all times.

Where do we play the passes to wingers and why and where to play the ball to the back triangle?

c. Players must advance the ball the fastest way possible accross the field with every player touching the ball and maintaining a triangle shape. Coach Counts aloud fastest goals in seconds.

How do we increase the speed of play.

d. Same as above but must finish with a one touch finish only.

How do we position our body to receive a ball and finish one touch? What type of ball is best for your teamate to finish one touch?

f. Same as above but every player must take up a position of a teammate and interchange after each pass they make and still maintain a triangle. Why is important to move off the ball? What do we need to do to effective move off the ball and interchange positions as a team?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3 (20 mins)

-same as before with 3v1 one direction but add in a trailing defender as well lined up on the endline and enters the play when the ball is played

+3 attackers have to score (take out rule that every one has to touch the ball)

*How can we increase speed of play to elimnate the defender?

-engage first defender with dribble

-timing, weight , and direction of pass

-feinting or disguise of pass

-player movement on and off of ball

-wingers can see both the goal and the ball with good boddy shape on their toes

*How can the first defender slow down the attack to help the 2nd defender to recover and help?

-First defender can force an early pass to one side of field and close down the winger denying getting into the scoring zone

-focus on good body position and not diving in allwoing the second defender to recover


+Each team gets 6 attacks and rotate (Keep Score!)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4
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Screen 4 (20 mins)

Finish session with 3v3 mini tournament and coach imposes a restriction they think players need to improve upon most from the session or past match from the weekend.

20 minutes

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