Hockey Session (Under 18s): Leading

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R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
Name: R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
City: Cape Town
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Receive curl

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Receive curl
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Receive curl (10 mins)

(6 mins)

All Athletes - groups of 5 or 6

Progression 1:

Side A: Player #1 leads back hard through the channel, receives a pass from #2 and gives it back. They then open their footwork so shoulders up the field, receive across their body and send a strong forehand pass to #3

Player 2 then leads toward 3 to start the next set.

Progression 2:

After the reception forward immediate change angle of carry and work feet around for forehand pass.

Progression 3:

After reception, pass on outside of cones, receive back through middle of cones, get feet around and make final pass on the outside.

These are done continuously with leads from both sides, athlete rotates to the opposite line from where they started.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3-Level Passing Join attack (Add defenders)

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3-Level Passing Join attack (Add defenders)
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3-Level Passing Join attack (Add defenders) (15 mins)

20 min

Drill can run on both sides, alternate

Player A passes to player B, leading back through red gate. 

Player B plays the ball back to Player A and leads to the outside of the pitch, clearing space. 

Player A plays a long ball to Player C leading back to the top of the circle.

Player C posts up, traps the ball at the top of the circle and plays a square ball to Player B for a shot

Optional , Player B receives the Square ball and drives baseline, plays a guard pass back to Player C for a shot

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Corners game

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Corners game
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Corners game (15 mins)

  • Split the group into two teams. If odd numbers either have a joker who plays for the team in possession, or just have one team overload.
  • Score a point by dribbling or passing the ball into one of the corners. The next corner is worth double the previous. Sequential scoring and keeping the ball for a long time can lead to big scores, and bigger come backs!
  • One team plays to score on one diagonal, the other team plays to score on the other diagonal
    • E.g., orange score in the corners with the orange cones, blue team scores in the corners with the blue cones.
  • This should encourage moving the ball away from traffic (blue team will be near blue corners to score points, should be space near orange corners - how quickly can we get the ball there)


  • In the middle of play, swap the corners each team is scoring in - see how they react to the new angles.
  • For stronger groups impose other conditions (2-3 touch, if ball hits foot run around playing area, 3 goals in a row for one team = 5 burpees for the other team, etc.)

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Bench Ball

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Bench Ball
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Bench Ball (15 mins)

Bench Ball (8v8)

6v6 in playing area with goalscorers for each team in each End Zone

Teams score by passing the ball to their Goalscorer in the End Zone

When a team scores, the End Zone player who receives the pass is released from the goals and the team turns and attacks in the other direction. The player who releases the End Zone player takes their place

Change It: Each player must get a touch on the ball before they can score in the End Zone

Change It: Players may only use push passes and if they sweep/hit then they lose possession

Change It: If a player gets hit on the feet, they have to replace the End Zone player immediately

Change It: Players may only play on their forehand and lose the ball if they try to pass or receive on their reverse (unless emergency receive)

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Play 1 (EITHER/OR)

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Play 1 (EITHER/OR)
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Game Play 1 (EITHER/OR) (15 mins)


  • P1 receives a pass from P2 and passes into the circle for P3 or P4 before joining the play for a 3 vs 1 (plus the keeper) 
  • P3 and P4 lead or create space to receive and take a shot (at the top of the circle) or play until the ball goes out of bound.
  • Players are encouraged to play the rebound.
  • Points Awarded for:
    • Each shot taken at the top of the circle (2)
    • Players position in the key areas - last post, penalty spot (1)
    • Drop passes (from the baseline back to the top of the circle) (2)


  • Alternate sides for the starting pass from P2.  
  • P1 performs an elimination skill before passing.
  • P2 can apply pressure to P1 after the pass is made.

 Coaching Points:  

  • Leading/movement in the circle to get free or create space. 
  • Positioning in the circle
  • First touch and vision - the importance of this to performing the next
  • Communication with the passes
  • Encourage players to take an early shot with supporting players in key areas of the circle to capitalize on any rebounds. 

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