Name: | Bobby Warner ODP |
City: | Aurora |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. 3 grids 5 x 5 yards (depending on age group)
2. 10 yards between each grid (depending on age group)
3. 16 cones for grids
4. 4 to 5 players in each grid (depending on numbers).
1. Multi Rondo - 4v1 Set up with 14 players
2. This small sided game can be performed with different number of players and groups as well. (4v1 or 5v1 in 3, 4 or 5 groups)
3. In every area there are five or six players:
4. Four or five players in possession and one defender.
5. In one of the squares (4v0) the players are passing to each other without a defender.
6. Defenders hold a bib in their hands until they touch the ball. The attacker who loses control of the ball becomes a defender, gets the bib.
7. Players in possession try to keep the ball in the square with one or two touch. The defender puts pressure on the ball and tries to touch it. When the defender touches the ball, he replaces the player in possession, who loses control. The player who makes the wrong pass becomes a defender and he has to find and sprint to the group without defender.
Coaching Points:
1. To be able to do this small sided soccer drill successfully games should be played on an adequate area for different age groups. We always have to consider the players' technical skills and their cognitive abilities. Besides the quality of the pitch is also very important. If it's necessary we can change the size of the area during the game.
a. Speed of play
b. Communication
c. Vision
d. Reacting
e. Take it competitive
f. Take care of extra balls
g. Have fun
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. Grid 20 x 25 yards (depending on ability and number of players
2. 4 small goals or gates for goals
3. Seperate players in 2 teams of 5 or 6.
4. Coach has extra balls to be played in quickly to keep the game flowing.
1. This is a 3v2 to goal with possession.
2. The red line seperates the attackers and the defenders 3 attackers on the attacking side and 2 defenders on the goal side.
3. The 3 attackers move the ball to try to score on the small goals, but can not cross the red line to help defend their goal.
4. The defenders should comunicate to help each other defender their goals and find outlets to play out off to start the attack.
5. Team that scores an "X" amount of goals win or an alocated amount of time.(2 - 5 minute games). Make sure players switch roles after each game.
6. Coach plays the ball in if it goes out of bounds to help with the tempo/flow of game.
Coaches Point:
1. Communication
2. Movement off the ball
3. Body shape
4. 1st and 2nd touch
5. Accuracy of pass and shot
1. Limit touches to 2 - 3 (depending on ability of players)
2. Add players to attckers or defenders to create a quicker tempo of the game (if a defender wins the ball they could pass to an attacker and then join the attack creating a 4v2 or 4v3 if a defender joins also).
1. Make the field bigger so the players have more time to recieve and play.
2. Go unlimited touches to build confidence.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. 12 cones
2. Separate players into groups of 3
3. Cones 5 yards apart (as shown above)
Variation 1
1. Every player stands by a cone.
2. Player A in the middle starts by passing to player B
3. Player B recieves the ball with left foot and dribbles with right foot to middle cone and repeat to player C
Variation 2
1. Player A passes to Player B, Player B passes it back to player A, and player A passes it back to player B to recieve it with left foot and starts to dribble with right to the middle.
2. Repeats with player C
Variation 3
1. Player A passes the ball to player B for a wall pass back to B
2. Player B recieves the wall pass from A and plays a lomg ball to C and repeat with player C
Variation 4
1. Player A passes the ball to player B
2. Player B performs a V cut with right foot and passes the ball with the right foot to player A which moved to the other side of player B
3. Wall pass to player B which passes to player C and repeat
Coaching Points:
1. Head up dribbling
2. Head up passing
3. Body positioning
4. Accurate passing
5. Recieving 1st touch
6. Pace on ball for pass
1. Limit touches (1 touch)
1. Add touches to recieving and dribbling
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1. Grid 30 x 40
2. Seperate players in to 2 teams
3. 8 Cones to make gates/goals
1. Work on previous Core Activities sessions (movement, 1st touch, communication, etc..)
2. Make it a transision game where they are defending and then looking to attack once they win the ball.
3. Have FUN!
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up Game (10 mins)
1. Grid 15 x 20 yards area (depending on number of players)
2. Every player has a ball
3. 3 different color cones (4 of each color)
4. Separate the cones randomly in the grid
1. Players dribble around in the marked area or 10 toe touches or 10 foundations, etc..
a. The coach calls one color and the players must dribble to the called cone. The fastest player is the winner.
b. The coach lifts one cone and the players must dribble to the signed cone. The fastest player is the winner.
2. The player that win gets to pick what the other players must do, ex. (Bark like a dog 4 times, 5 push ups, 10 sit ups). Keep it FUN!
Coaches Points:
1. Clear instructions
2. Head up from the ball
3. Use all surface of the feet while dribbling
3. Use both feet to dribbling
4. Keep the ball on the ground
5. Control the ball
6. Quick reactions