Hockey Session (Senior): Turn Over Scenarios

Profile Summary

Guy Elliott
Name: Guy Elliott
City: Pretoria
Country: South Africa
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey


Different Turnover Scenarios

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Deep Turnover

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Deep Turnover
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Deep Turnover (20 mins)

This drill simulates a turnover deep in the field .

Defender A looks to connect with Attacker 1 . Defender B must try create a turnover on Attacker 1.

Therefore it is a 1v1 with the attacker trying to score in the goals entering the D . If defender B intercepts or turns the ball over he must connect with Attacker 2 and create a 2v2 scoring in the goals on the half way line . Attacker 1 must tackle back .

Mimic the drill on both sides of the field .

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Midfield Pocket

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Midfield Pocket
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Midfield Pocket (20 mins)

This drill simulates a midfield pocket :

The ball is played in from ether defender A or B to midfielder C . Midfielder C must try turn and connect with D for 2 points or for 1 pont he can play the ball to the opposite defender .

Midfielder E and striker F( who is tracing back)must create a pocket and Turn Midfielder C over . If the turnover is succseful then Midfielder E and Striker F must play a 2v1 with the opposite defender to where the ball was passed from and try score in the goals between the two defenders . If the turnover is scrappy a coach can role a ball in for E to attack the goals .

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): End game

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): End game
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End game (35 mins)

Game simulation of the two previous drills .

The attackers can play lines closed forcing the ball into the midfield pocket . Or Lines open to create the turnover with the outside halves .

Star the drill passively making the turnover happen in the midfield . Then allow the Blue midfielder to try get out of the situation .

Once that is done add a deep defender and attacker down the line .

The orange team score over the halfway line whilst the blue score in the main goals .

Change the pressing scenarios as you wish .

Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Full Screen

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