Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): 2019 Cycle 1, WK2, S3 - BPO & Conditioning

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Alan Golledge

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Alan Golledge
Name: Alan Golledge
City: Sydney
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Main Moment: BPO 

Key Principle: Deny opponent's time and space to build up.

Football Problem (using the 5W’s):

What: Knowing when to press and when to cut of the forward pass.

Who: #3,#4, #2, #5,#6 and #8

When: Opponents has the ball in there front 3rd

Where: back 3rd central positions

Why: There is to much distance between our players 

Football Problem: We are not compact enough to cut the forward pass off alllowing our opponents to play in behind our defencive line.

Session Objective: I aim to improve….. my team's ability to work as a collective across the back 3rd to cut off the forward pass forcing our opponents to play backwards.

Team Task:  Get our #3,#4, #2, #5,#6 and #8 into better positions to press the ball carrier and cut off the forward pass quicker.

Player Tasks: (General / Position-specific):

#3 & #4

-Move in the direction of where the ball is played.

-1st player to press the ball

-Can not be beaten in a 1v1.

-When the opponents midfield play the side pass, force them toward the sideline with an angled run

-Cut off the forward pass to the #9.

-As the #6 or #8 receive the ball limiting there options to play forward by moving in front of the strikers.

-Limit the distance between our central defender to make it more compact.

-Can one of the central defender get side on in between the #9 & wider attacker.


-If the #9 presses high, can you press inside to support the central defenders.

-Depending on which side the ball is played tuck in.

-Cut off the forward passing lanes from there midfield (#6 & #8)

-Look to anticipate the back pass, if the opponent plays a negative pass.

#6 & #8 

-Work in fron of the central defenders to drive your opponent into wide areas.

-When our either #6 or #8 depending on where the ball is support by moving to the inside shoulder cutting off the side pass.

-Presses high to support.

-Support by sliding across in front of #3, #4 and #2/#5 (depending on where the ball is)

-Hold the space in between to cut off the passing lanes

-Position yourself in between the lines of our opposition.

-If one goes the other holds.

- Look to cut off the forward passing lanes should the wide attacker receive the ball.

-Hold the play up to allow time for support to create a 2 v 1.

-If the ball is on the other side, tuck in.

-Look to anticipate the back pass, if the opponent plays a negative pass.

-Angle the your run to force them towards the 2v1 or sideline. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Practice
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Passing Practice (10 mins)


-1/2 pitch

-5v2 or 6v3


-RED team can move anywhere in the half.

-No more then 15m part at any time.

-BLUE team just has to win the ball back.

-Rotate defenders every 3 mins

-If 2 x GK's are in the session, use them inside the penalty area. If the defenders win it, they can play the GK's. GK's move between the penalty areas.


-Increase/decrease area size.

-Limit touches on the ball.

Player Actions:

-Angle of runs (1st 5 yards must be urgent/building to match pace)

-Movement off the ball

-Weight and speed of pass

-2 touches

-Recovery runs.

-Move to get your body in front of the defender

-Anticipate the forward pass, look to cut it off

-Communication ie: hold them up, I'm in behind, etc.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Acceleration Runs

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Acceleration Runs
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Acceleration Runs

Acceleration Runs

-Preparation program

-50m x @ 70% x 50 secs recovery

- 7 sets

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Positioning Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Positioning Game
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Positioning Game (25 mins)


- Area 30m x 30m with 4 quarters


-4 markers


-8 REDS move to win back ASAP.

-All the RED players must be inside the quarter to win the ball.

-BLUE team looks to move the ball quickly and maintain possession

-Ball starts from BLUE player in Central area (#4/#3). If the RED team pushes up early BLUE can hit the #9 early. If BLUE hit #9, RED do the lap


-Increase/decrease area distance

-Equal team numbers

-Limit touches

Team Task/s: Get our #3,#4, #2, #5,#6 and #8 into better positions to press the ball carrier and cut off the forward pass quicker.

Player Tasks: (General / Position-specific):

#3 & #4

-Move in the direction of where the ball is played.

-1st player to press the ball

-Can not be beaten in a 1v1.

-When the opponents midfield play the side pass, force them toward the sideline with an angled run

-Cut off the forward pass to the #9.

-As the #6 or #8 receive the ball limiting there options to play forward by moving in front of the strikers.

-Limit the distance between our central defender to make it more compact.

-Can one of the central defender get side on in between the #9 & wider attacker.


-If the #9 presses high, can you press inside to support the central defenders.

-Depending on which side the ball is played tuck in.

-Cut off the forward passing lanes from there midfield (#6 & #8)

-Look to anticipate the back pass, if the opponent plays a negative pass.

#6 & #8 

-Work in fron of the central defenders to drive your opponent into wide areas.

-When our either #6 or #8 depending on where the ball is support by moving to the inside shoulder cutting off the side pass.

-Presses high to support.

-Support by sliding across in front of #3, #4 and #2/#5 (depending on where the ball is)

-Hold the space in between to cut off the passing lanes

-Position yourself in between the lines of our opposition.

-If one goes the other holds.

- Look to cut off the forward passing lanes should the wide attacker receive the ball.

-Hold the play up to allow time for support to create a 2 v 1.

-If the ball is on the other side, tuck in.

-Look to anticipate the back pass, if the opponent plays a negative pass.

-Angle the your run to force them towards the 2v1 or sideline. 

Coaches Cues:

-6 second sprint to close the distant between you and the ball.

-Look to force the ball carrier toward the ambush.

-Stay compact to avoid breaks/gaps in between the lines.

-Angle the runs.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Training

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game Training
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Game Training (10 mins)


-4v2 central area 15m x 15m

-6v2 around the outside area.(40m x 40m)

-Balls in centre circle.

-Players 12-16

Explanation: (In BP)

-Ball played into RED central zone from Joker in the centre circle.

-RED in central zone 4v2.

-Only 2 BLUE players can be in the central zone at any one time.

-RED make 10 passes = 1 point.

-If BLUE team win the ball they keep possession for 1 min or 20 passes = 2 points

-Jokers can become activity  for the BLUE team to increase overload.

-Rotate 4 RED players once a team reaches 5 points.


-Team with out the ball has to win it back as soon as possible.

Progression: (9v5)

- Move to 5v2 in central area.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Training Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Training Game
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Training Game (15 mins)

Set up:

-Box to Box

-RED team 1-4-3-3

-BLUE team 1-4-3-3


-based on total session numbers minimum 8v8.

-FIFA rules apply.

-To score all team mates must be over halfway.

Set up:

-Only 2 touches on you own half.

-(GK max. two touches all the time)

High intensity

-No stops for goal kicks,throw ins, corners balls.

-GK have 5 secs to play once goals has been scored.


- 2 x10mins

- 2 min rest

Session objective achieved?


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conduct and /Evaluate

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conduct and /Evaluate
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Conduct and /Evaluate (15 mins)

Wrap up:

-Reinforce what the days session “BPO, Win the ball back as close as possible to the opponents goals.

-Ask the players:

-Did they enjoy the session?

-What did they learn?

-Where on the park could it be used?

-When could it be used?

-Why is it valuable to use?

Ask myself:

-Was there visible improvement in the Game training from the positioning practice?

-Did they show an understanding and bring it to the park?

-Did the players enjoy my session? Rating from 1-5 (1 being ordinary & 5 totally enjoyed it and used it in every game practice)

-Was my session effective or not?

-Could I have controlled the session better or differently? 

-Was there Perception, Decision Making and Execution present?

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