Valur - Víkingur A - lið, föstudagurinn 11. mars 2016

Profile Summary

Sigurður Sigurþórsson
Name: Sigurður Sigurþórsson
City: Reykjavík
Country: Iceland
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Leikur í Reykjavíkurmóti gegn Víkingi.

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A - lið:

Formation: Our Team: 4-2-3-1 |Opposition Team: 4-4-2

Team List

Our Team (Home)

Num Player Name Main Position Goals Game Time (mins)
1 Auður Ester Gestsdóttir Goalkeeper
1B Auður Sveinbjörnsdóttir Goalkeeper
1C Bryndís Gunnarsdóttir Goalkeeper
2 Magnfríður Jóa Kristjánsdóttir Winger
5 Eva María Jónsdóttir Striker
7 Harpa Karen Antonsdóttir Mid-fielder
7B Amanda Jakopsen Andradóttir Mid-fielder
8 Diljá Hilmarsdóttir Centre-back
9 Isabella Anna Húnbertsdóttir Mid-fielder
9B Ólöf Sigríður Kristinsdóttir Striker
10 Karen Hrönn Sævarsdóttir Full-back
10B Ragna Guðrún Guðmundsdóttir Number 10
13 Eydís Arnarsdóttir Centre-back
13B Signy Ylfa Sigurðardóttir Centre-forward
14 Eygló Þorsteinsdóttir Mid-fielder
14B Anna Hedda Björnsdóttir Haaker Mid-fielder
15 Ísold Kristín Rúnarsdóttir Mid-fielder
16 Rosalie Rut Sigrúnardóttir Striker
18 Lea Björt Kristjásdóttir Winger
20 Selma Özkan Full-back
21 Hrefna Lind Pálmadóttir Centre-forward
22 Miljana Ristic Full-back
24 Elma Rún Sigurðardóttir Defender
25 Rakel Leósdóttir Mid-fielder
26 Telma Sif Búadóttir Mid-fielder
27 Valgerður Marija Purisc Mid-fielder
28 Freyja Friðþjófsdóttir Winger
30 Katla Garðarsdóttir Centre-back
32 Vilhelmína (Ína) Ómarsdóttir Mid-fielder
33 Hallgerður Kristjánsdóttir Defender
36 Hlín Eiríksdóttir Winger
36B Katrín Rut Kvaran Defender
38 Ólöf Jóna Marinósdóttir Winger
40 Guðrún Ólavía Þorsteinsdóttir Mid-fielder

Opposition Team (Away)

Num Player Name Main Position Goals Game Time (mins)
1 Opposition Player 1 Goalkeeper
2 Opposition Player 2 Defender
3 Opposition Player 3
4 Opposition Player 4
5 Opposition Player 5
6 Opposition Player 6
7 Opposition Player 7
8 Opposition Player 8
9 Opposition Player 9
10 Opposition Player 10
11 Opposition Player 11

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