Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Playing through middle

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Sylvia Forbes
Name: Sylvia Forbes
City: Ajax
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (10 mins)

Passing Warm Up

Players are in 3 groups, 2 groups in grid 1 ball per colour. Players will play 4 passes and on 5th pass will look to find a target player on outside of grid. 4 passes and then pass out of grid.

Creating space and rotation of players for near and far support, good passing and receiving body position. Head up to see options in advance and anticipate movement. Quality passes in to keep possession. Looking to keep shape with team mates (diamond) two wide players 1 near 1 long for creation of space and time. Switch teams until all have been in and out of grid. have dynamic movement and stretches during switches. (2 mins on 1 min stretch 3 rounds) 10 minutes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3Zone SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3Zone SSG
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3Zone SSG (20 mins)

Half Field: 6v6 with GKs

2V2 in middle third

2v1 attacking third

1v2 defending third

Players are working in grids and looking to keep possession and play through areas to get chances on goal. Players in defending third are playing 1 defender vs 2 attackers, 2 v2 in the middle and 2 attackers 1 defender in the opposite half. The play starts in goalies hands and is played out to defender, the defender is limited to 3 touches, the opposing players will be able to have 1 defender go to close down player after first touch. Defenders look to play into middle third to these players who wil then look to play out to attacking players to score. Play will come back the other way after a shot or save by goalie and same rules will apply.

Looking for clever passes and head up play starting with defenders.

Can you make penetrating pass on second touch, looking to bypass first line of defense.

Middle players looking to get space with checking and showing to ball, one player to be long opition other player to show in to be near support. Trying to by space away from ball to allow room to show.

Note that players will tend to hover around grid lines, make sure players recognize that they are shrinking the field and taking away options.

Players must connect pass through middle before then going into attacking third.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession
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Possession (15 mins)

4v4 + targets (gks can play as targets)

Possession passing (playing through the middle with rotation)

Players are in teams of 4, one team will start in possession, other team is locked in to their grids. IE orange has possession so 2 blue stay in each grid and cannot move amongst grids. Orange looks to keep possession of the ball in the grids, only ONE red player can touch the ball in the grid at any given time and then must look to penetrate back into other grid where another red can then touch ball and play out again. The players in possession can use yellow to keep possession but yellow only has 1 touch. if possession changes then orange is locked in and blue will have possession.

Looking to increase the ability of players to build up attack through movement and passing through the middle portion of the field. Players must be aware of defeners and teammates and where and when to move to create attacking spce through the middle.

Understand how to create space (who and when)

Be able to execute passing sequences.

Be able to shield and protect ball when receiving back to pressure.

Speed and coordination to run into space create options to receive.

Be aggressive and decicive, make decisions quickly, with confidence and purpose, be smart to read and anticipate play.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (45 mins)

GAME 45 mins

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