Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Retaining Possesion (Start Time: 2024-02-26 17:30:00)

Profile Summary

Arash Samii
Name: Arash Samii
City: Ballara
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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To develop players’ understanding of and technical ability in in-possession principles, including:
•Having the correct body position when receiving to
play forwards
•Moving the ball quickly to find the spare player in order to maintain possession
•Creating space under high pressure to shoot and score

Farklet Running between the Passing and Skill practice 3mins hard , 1 min jog, 2 min hard , 1 min jog, 1 min hard , 1 min jog x2 = 20 mins

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shooting

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shooting
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Practice Explanation :

Shooting Practice

player 1 passes to player 2 , player 2 turns and shoot and make opposite run to receive from player 3 or player 4

Progression : once player 3 and player 4 played the ball to player 2 go and defend 1v1 


then they come and defend if it gets easy

Coaching Points :

Aim for corners 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing
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Passing (15 mins)

Passing Practice (15 mins)

Practice Objectives:

Relationship with the ball: Develop quality of ball retention skills.

Individual running with the ball. Turning with the ball to progress forwards.  

Practice Explanation:

Two groups work across the square in the same practice.

Group 1 (Red Line) play into the receiving player who looks to receive off the mannequin turn and play to the opposite side.

Group 2 (Black lines) Dribble towards the central mannequin and use a skill move to get past the mannequin and play through to the opposite side.

Players must be aware of their surrounding to avoid any collisions etc.

Players work for a set on each side.

Practice Timings:

4*(3' 30 R) Total 10mins

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skilll Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skilll Practice
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Skilll Practice (15 mins)

Practice Explanation:

• This is a possession game played within the box. A group of 14 players is split into two teams of five and one team of four. 

• Play starts with a possession team – here, Team Red – spread around the outside of the circle. The pressing team – here, Team Blue – starts inside, while a third team of floaters green is positioned across the centre of the circle, two on the edge and two in the middle, and play with whichever team is in possession. This is shown in the diagram.• If the pressing team steals the ball back, they will become the in-possession team and should make their way to the outside of the circle. Team red here becomes the pressing team, and the four players should all enter the circle to then press. • If the ball leaves the circle, the roles will remain the same and a coach can supply another ball into the possession team. The pressing team needs to steal possession and secure possession in order to become the in-possession team.• The coach can set a touch limit – maximum of three, for example – to ensure the ball is moved quickly. 

Coaching Points:

Think about play one touch 

make the pitch big as possible

quick combination to draw defenders

support player in possession

defending team : work as a unit and try to communicate

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (20 mins)

SSG Explanation:

This is a 4v4 (plus goalkeepers) small-sided game played on a tight pitch of 30 yards x 24 yards, as shown in the diagram.
Play starts with two teams of four playing against each other, while a third team of four – here, Team C – rests on the outside of the pitch.
Whenever a goal is scored, the team that conceded must immediately get off the pitch to be replaced by the outside team.
•The outside team must get on to the pitch as quickly as possible, because after every goal a ball is fed into the goalkeeper of the team that just scored.
•The coach can play for one continuous block of up to 20 minutes, or split into shorter blocks and change the teams around during rests.

Coaching Points:


Can we play one touch pass under pressure

create space to support

on and off the ball movement 

use quick combination

Create space to shoot

team without the ball would need to constantly press and put pressure on the ball

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