Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Attacking: Build up (Around) (Start Time: 2021-04-04 16:05:00)

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Conor Woods

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Conor Woods
Name: Conor Woods
City: Kells
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Attacking Build up, with emphases on playing around the opposition.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up (10 Mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up (10 Mins)
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Warm Up (10 Mins)


- Warm up 

- 25x25 grid 

- 10 minutes work

- Ball between two 

- Multi-direction movements on and off the ball

Objective: To prepare players for session ahead.

Coaching Points:

- RAMP warm up technuiqe 

- Maximise touches on ball

- Different types of passes

- Dynamic movement to replicate movements in session

- Quality on the ball


- Ball for everyone 

- Short/Long passes only 

- Tempo 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Practice (10 Mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing Practice (10 Mins)
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Passing Practice (10 Mins)


- 2 Squares 15x15 

- Passing practice to play around opposition 

- 10 Minutes 

Objective: To Prepare players on the ball, to play with speed and comfort.

Coaching Points:

- Body Shape to receive 

- Quality of Pass 

- Weight of Pass

- Communication 

- Speed of play

- Reaction 


- Increased number of balls 

- Smaller size grid 

- Pattern change (Bounce back to play long)

- Long/short touches 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Function (20 Mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Function (20 Mins)
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Function (20 Mins)


- Function based practice 

- 8v5+2

- 1v1 in wide area

- Red full back looks to go 1v1 and score into small goals 

- Blue team set up 3-3 (2-1-3)

Objective: To enable team to play around opposition press in build up. 

Coaching Points:

- Starting Positions (Width and debt)

- Communication 

- Body shape 

- Positive forward passes wide

- Invite press to play wide

- Change the point of attack 

- Speed of play 


- Players can enter wide areas 

- Defending and attacking scenarios

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase of Play (20 Mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Phase of Play (20 Mins)
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Phase of Play (20 Mins)


- 9 V 8 Phase of Play

- Red Attacking with T2D 

- Blue Defend with T2A

- 3 Goals set up to score in 

- 2 Goals for wide area to emphases on playing around

Objective: To enable team to play around opposition press in build up.

Coaching Points:

- Starting Positions (Width and debt)

- Communication

- Body shape

- Positive forward passes wide

- Invite press to play wide

- Change the point of attack

- Speed of play

- Security at the back when attacking

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 11v11 Game (20 Mins)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 11v11 Game (20 Mins)
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11v11 Game (20 Mins)


- 11v11 

- Two 10 minute half's

Objectives: To enable team to play around opposition press in build up in a 11v11 game, to improve the teams understanding of playing around the oppositions press.

Coaching Points:

1. If opposition not set play quick.

2. Speed of play 

3. Quality on the ball to play around 

Communication | Decision Making | Execution |

C - Team set up 

C - opposition set up 

C - Verbal and Non verbal communication 

C - look to receive 

D - Play direct to fb? 

D - Change the point of attack?

D - Speed of play 

E - Quality of pass

E - Pass onto back foot or to feet

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