Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Phase 1 Week 3 Session 2 - Creating opportunities to play forward - u17s 25/01/24

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Pro-Club: Logan Lightning FC

Lee Burwood

Profile Summary

Lee Burwood
Name: Lee Burwood
City: Alexandra Hills
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shadow play 11v11 w/u15s

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shadow play 11v11 w/u15s
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Shadow play 11v11 w/u15s (20 mins)


'Whole' part of the session that incorporates Attacking Technical and Tactical role rehearsal within the warm-up environment. Intensity to be controlled and gradually incresed and/or decreased to suit individual demands and preparation


1. Target other players with a variety of technical executions


1. Movement - position specific

2. Receiving skills - awareness, body position, direction and strength, contact, decision

3. Passing skills - driven, swerved, lofted, short, chipped, weight and direction, appreciation

4. RWTB - recognising space and pressure, timing of release

5. Shooting - Types, variety, shape, decision


1. Movement of the CD

2. Movement of midfield players as the CD advances

3. Movement of CF's


1. Gradual increase in intensity

2. Preparing the body for competition

3. Position specific movement patterns


1. Receptiveness to technical and tactical needs

2. Processing new techniques and concepts

3. Evolution of passage by the player

4. Constant interaction between players

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4v4 Transfer

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4v4 Transfer
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4v4v4 Transfer (20 mins)

3v3v3 How and when to intercept?

Pitch split into thirds, middle third slighty smaller.

Defedending team in the middle, one player must enter the end zone to press the ball, other two deffenders must try and take up a good position to intercept the ball once it gets passed over to the other side.


6.Players can take up supporting positions based upon the situation

Attacking players must make 3 passes then pass it over to the other end zone.


Attackers can pass it over at any time (doesnt need to make any passes to transfer).

Ball can only be played below head height.

If you give the ball away you become the defenders.

Add goals behind the end zones for defending team to attack upon regaining the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG - 4v4+4

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG - 4v4+4
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SSG - 4v4+4 (30 mins)

SSG - 4v4 .

Recap caoching points.

Work on defending when opposition has back to goal.

Creating 2v1 in defence.

5 Yard Fury.

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