Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): 1vs1 Games

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Miles O'Connor
Name: Miles O'Connor
City: Milton
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Over the years the professional leagues have come to separate themselves on styles of play within the league. England has been known for it's fast style of play with a more direct approach to football. Foreign players have come to play in the English league to ply their trade and dazzle the crowds. Players like George Best, Eric Cantona, Henry, Christiano Ronaldo, Matta, Silva, Tevez, Aguero to name a few. We now look at " La Liga" a league who is dazzling us with entertainment, team chemistry, flowing style of play, tactical and technical brilliance week after week. La Liga is a league who's domestic players for the most part are the stars of league and country, this has been proven by the success of their national teams.

The aim of this 1v1 emphasis is to create an atmosphere and environment in training where our talented players can find their dribbling feet, become more comfortable on the ball and express themselves. An environment where they're encouraged to be creative, problem solve and challenge themselves without fear of derision or ridicule.

The overall idea is to create more 1 vs. 1 situations and facilitate the increase of game related contact time with the ball. These games is not the definitive piece of work, the games in here have been put together by many experts such as Horst Wein and Youth Academies that have had the opportunity of watching what kids enjoy and the reaction in their performance and attitude.

You should hopefully find this a underline and helpful start to your vision in creating sessions that will help build confidence to players and create a challenging and learning experience. You are encouraged to pick and chose your own conditions or practices. The emphasis here is on the promotion of player centered experimentation and expression, let them play and problem solve; encourage and reward creativity.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. For while knowledge defines all we currently know and understand, imagination points to all we might yet discover and create."

Albert Einstein (1879-1936)

 5 & 6 Years of age (Developing familiarity with the ball)

One player, one ball, the ball is his/hers and does not want to be shared. Ignore coaching team aspects of play and allow players to begin to master the ball. Games that use imagination and fantasy should be used as tools to motivate young players. 4v4, small goals, no keepers (or last player back, keeper on the fly). There should be no ‘set’ position, free play is encouraged. Heading is not allowed at this age. Allow players to hop, jump, skip, tumble, roll, fall during play. Practice should include ‘free’ play and time for players to try new and creative things with the ball.

Practice should include activities and games that allow players to:

Dribble with all sides of their feet

Develop a ‘feeling’ for the ball

Dribble out of trouble

Receive the ball with various body parts

Dribble at different speedsTurn, stop, cut with the ball

Jump, tumble, hop, skip, roll, fall

Be creative, use their imagination, have fun

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Leg Goals

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Leg Goals
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Leg Goals


Grid is 10 x 10- As many as desired

- In pairs, one player with the ball, Player with the ball must dribble around the grid attempting to kick the ball into the legs of teammate. Teammate must attempt to dodge the ball by using quick feet.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keep Ball

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keep Ball
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Keep Ball


Area as shown in diagram, use as many as required.

- 2 players per area with 1 ball

- Player on the ball must dribble around the grid while keeping the ball away from opponent.

- Defending player is trying ti steal/dispossess the attacker of the ball. If the ball goes out of play ball goes to the player it would correspond to as per regular rules of the game. If defender is successful in stealing the ball s/he gets a point.

- 3 attempts each then again rotate.

Coacking Points:

Shield the ball, body position, strength

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Line Goals

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Line Goals
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Line Goals


10 x 10 Grid- As many as you require

- To start a player serves a pass into opponent and play becomes live, the player who passed the bal becomes the defender with the idea of stopping the attacker from scoring (dribbling past the line).

- Defender attempting to steal and dispossess the attacker of the ball, if successful this player can attack the opposite goal. If ball goes out of play the player who is to get possession plays a pass into the defender who serves back and play continues.

- 3 attempts each then rotate attacker to defender.

- Extra point for "nutmegs"reward skill and creativity.

Key Points:

1st touch out of feet, feints, dummies- try something new.

- Body between the ball and the opponent

- Positive attack

- Face up your defender

- Identify the space you want to attack

- Head up, keep ball close

- Accelerate and drive at the space for goal

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Way goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Way goal
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3 Way goal


10 x 10 Grid- As many as required

- Defender serves a pass into the attacker who are set up as per diagram above. Attacker must try to beat the defender and score by getting to either three corners (cones) Option 1)forward 2) right 3) left

- 1 point for corner goals (left or right) 3 points for goal behind the defenders starting position.

-3 attempts each then rotate attacker to defender.

- Extra point for a nutmeg / reward skill and creativity


As before with the exception that the player attacking can now beat their player and score by knocking over the cone behind the defender by passing the ball and knocking over the cone.

(This demands defender recognizing the importance of pressure on the ball, Attacker also see's that as an option of a pass into a teammate who can continue the attack forward!)

Key Points:

1st touch out of your feet, feints, dummies - try something new

- Face your opponent

- Knees bent, drop shoulders on feints

- Identify the space you want to attack (Identify best option?

- Things player must identify, what is the best option? why?

- Keep track of points

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Proprioception

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 Proprioception
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1v1 Proprioception


10 x 10 Grid- As many as required for the group

- Player must keep the ball up between themselves in pairs. They must have 2 touches whilst keeping the ball in the grid.

- Encourage competition - last not to let the ball drop most keep ups.


- On call blue player rotate clockwise while white must keep the ball up with 2 touches.

- Larger distance between players

- Half volleys (1 touch)

- Headers (1 touch)

- Alternate feet ( 2 touch)

- 1 touch stitch up- passing, start slow and build up speed

- Individual

- Maradona 7 aka Pele 7- toe, toe, knee, knee, shoulder, shoulder, head to feet.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
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Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button