Futsal Session (Academy Sessions): Sports Session: School - 2 - Netball

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Megan Phillips

Profile Summary

Megan  Phillips
Name: Megan Phillips
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Aim: To introduce and develop defence skills used within netball.


1. Introduce mirroring opponents movements.

2. Develop interception skills with and without movement.

3. Focus on defence ability during a competitive environment.

Client Group: S1.

Venue: Mearns Castle High School.

Equipment: Netballs, Bibs, Cones, Nets, Lesson Plan and a whistle.

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Learning Objectives

Technical Psychological
Leadership Principles.

Warm Up

Organizational / Instructions

Mirror Game

Children will be in pairs; labelled 1 + 2.

Each player will stand behind a cone that is 3 feet away from partner.

Number 1's will be given a set of movements to perform from Coach.

Number 2's will not know these moves but must react and copy as quick as possible.

Numbers will then switch round.

Coaching Points

- Maintain 3 feet distance.

- Eyes on partner.

- Keep back straight.

Progressions / Adaptations

Progression: Number 2's must face away from partner' utilising their peripheral vision more.

Adaptation: Number 1's can say what they are going to do next.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice
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Learning Objectives

Technical Physical
Linear vs Non Linear Design Approaches.

Technical Practice

Organizational / Instructions


Children in pairs; labelled 1 + 2.

Number 1's stand in front, with back to their partner.

Number 2's will stand behind; facing partner's back.

Number 2's will be side stepping from cone to cone.

Number 1's - using their peripheral vision - must try stay in front of them. 

Numbers will switch round.

Coaching Points

- Bend knees when side stepping.

- Short steps when moving.

- Ensure body stays low.

Progressions / Adaptations

Progression: Expand the area where Number 2's can side step to and from.

Progression 2: Add command 'DEFEND'. Both players must stop and resume position to defend someone trying to shoot or pass.

Adaptation: Instead of side stepping, have the children jogging instead.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice w/ Progression

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice w/ Progression
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Learning Objectives

Technical Social
Communication: Instruction and Explanation.

Technical Practice w/ Progression

Organizational / Instructions

Figure of 8.

Children in threes; labelled 1 + 2 + 3.

Players 1 + 2 will be behind cones and Player 3 will begin behind P1.

P1 + 2 are constantly chest passing the ball to one another. 

P3 is weaving around them in a figure of 8; trying to intercept the ball as they do so. 

P3 will pass ball back and reset if they are successful in their defending. 

Players will switch.

Coaching Points

- Defender should have hands in 'W' shape; ready to catch.

- Sidestep around back of feeder for quickness.

- Keep head up and eyes scanning for the ball/timing.

Progressions / Adaptations

Progression: Increase/Decrease distance of feeders.

Adaptation: Take out the side stepping element. 

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Learning Objectives

Technical Physical
Adapting Practices.

Conditioned Game

Organizational / Instructions


Class split into teams of 7; with bibs.

Designate area with cones. 

Teams must try keep ball in their possession whilst other team try intercept and do the same.

Team that has the ball within their possession by end of time, are the winners.

Coaching Points

- Stand 3 feet apart when defending.

- Arms stretched up; following the ball.

- Stay on balls of feet. 

Progressions / Adaptations

Progression: Add in netball net to try introduce shooting.

Adaptation: Increase time allowed with ball; 3 seconds to 5 seconds.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cool Down
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Learning Objectives

Technical Psychological
Roles of Coach: Friend.

Cool Down

Organizational / Instructions

Letter Game

Children will be jogging in designated space in threes.

When Coach calls out a letter, threes must form that letter whilst lying on the ground.

Coaching Points

- Lying on the ground.

- Keep head up.

- Ensure back remains straight when jogging.

Progressions / Adaptations

Progression: Decrease numbers in groups.

Adaptation: Increase numbers in groups.

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