Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Camp - Passing & Receiving (AM) (Start Time: 2016-04-27 21:15:00)

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Charles Spingler

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Charles  Spingler
Name: Charles Spingler
City: Montclair
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cannonball run warmup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cannonball run warmup
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Cannonball run warmup (15 mins)

Players start at one end of area and must make the run from one end zone to the other without being hit below the knee by passes from the players on the outside.

If you are hit then you become one of the outside players.

Upon sucessful run to other end the players then go on the shout of the coach and run back again, this continues until one player is the champion.

Looking at ABC's (agility,balance,coordination) and physical litteracy running starting stoping jumping etc.

But also looking at ball striking and accuracy from the outside players, high energy lots of fun.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Robin hood

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Robin hood
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Robin hood (15 mins)

The old Favourite -

* Each team lines up on the cone with the balls in the middle.

* Explain they are Robin Hood and the balls in the middle belong to the rich.

* The first player of each out put their foot on the ball and turn out and then pass the ball back.

* Each player takes it in turn to repeat this process until all the balls have gone.

Screen 2

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Robin hood 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Robin hood 2
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Robin hood 2

Now that each team has collected the footballs get them to put them in a neat line in front of there cone.

* Explain that the team with the most balls are now the rich and they must now steal from them.

* Same as before each player comes out one a time and steals from another team and passes back to their team, next player cannot gop until ball is neatly in place testing accuracy/adding a bit of pressure.

* Give them a time limit of 3 minutes to steal as many as they can...then declare a winner.

* If you are wanting to feel a little adventure allow the teams 30 seconds where they can all steal a ball at once. If the ball is in transit at the end of 30 seconds this does not count.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Champions League Passing grids

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Champions League Passing grids
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Champions League Passing grids (15 mins)

Champions league passing grid, Players in teams of 2 must pass the ball between the cones at the opponents end for +1 point if the pass is inaccurate and misses the gate then its -1 point also if youre working a specific passing technique any other technique could be deemed -1 point, also good to allow the players to make up their own rules in addition the more creative the better bonus points for first time passing etc etc.

After timed period teams with most points move up a grid towards yellow grid (Champions League or MLS ) all other teams move down a grid towards blue grid (Peppa pig league or Dora the explora league). coach can manipulate timings to enable all teams to experience going up and down levels success and failure so enviroment can be easily controlled and all players kept motivated.

Working on Ball striking and various passing techniques and receiving skills in addition in a fun game.

Coach can walk around and give individual coaching points where they see fit without stopping the whole group, specific passing technique for a given time period can also be demonstrated to whole group before next timed period of games.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Coconuts Possession

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Coconuts Possession
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Coconuts Possession (15 mins)

Game where players instead of scoring in regular goals look to score by knocking balls off of opposition cones in their end zone.

Here blues attack red coconuts whilst defending their own blue coconut zone.

Looking at possesion and passing receiving skills in a full pressure game situation,

can we create space to receive a pass, does passer have eyes up to see defenders/defensive pressure, and his or her team mates for passing opportunities.

Pass weight and direction key as well as accuracy of pass both to retain possesssion and to score a point by knocking the ball off of the cone.

If we want to add some more passing decision making in can condition game to certain number of touches more or less to increase/decrease difficulty (individuals can also be challenged in the same way playing on limited touches or with weaker foot).

We can also add in 5 passes also equals a point which give s the decision of playing for the coconut or keeping possesssion right time to penetrate or play forward or retain possession and look for better opportunity.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Atomic Bomb

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Atomic Bomb
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Atomic Bomb (15 mins)



Create a sqaure using 4 cones just big enough to ensure your players can successfully make a pass across it with good pace and weight.

Teams are divided into 4 groups each standing on their own line of the square.

Let each team pick their favorite country TEAM NAME.

Every player should have a ball at their feet to start the game.

One ball is placed in the middle of the square and is designated the ATOMIC BOMB!

The Game:

When coach yells 'GO' players will use their balls to try and hit the ATOMIC BOMB ball so it moves to away from them and on or across another 'country's' line. When the ATOMIC BOMB BALL hits a line - that country who is standing on that line is eliminated. The eliminated country stays on their line - but chooses to become new teammates with an existing country who has yet been eliminated. (for example - if the atomic bomb ball touches Spain's line - Spain is eliminated and the group of players can then choose to be on USA, Germany, or Brazil (while still standing on their old line). The last country standing who has not 'BLOWN UP' is the winner!

Coaches and players can shag balls as they get passed through the square and replay them.

Coaching Points:

Use the inside of the foot and follow through to drive the ball with accuracy.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Repeat (toggle)
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