Hockey Session (Under 14s): Week 2: 1v1 D (Sunday)

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Rachel Dawson

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Rachel Dawson
Name: Rachel Dawson
City: Charlottesville
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Field Layout

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Field Layout
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Field Layout

Mobility - Sit the hips low, chest up, feet staggered, ready to move
Tackle Position - Low Lunge, Stick at 45 Degree, Left Hand Away From Body
Stick Agility - Jabs, grip change to create pressure, (not to win ball)
Toe on the turf (keep stick on the turf) 

Keep Stick in Attackers eye sight
Tackle Timing - Eyes down, speed down, and stick off ball
Mirror the Attacker, Right Shoulder to Right Shoulder

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mirror Simple

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mirror Simple
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Mirror Simple


Coaching Points

  • Stay Mobile - Staggered Feet
  • Right Shoulder to Right Shoulder, Left to Left to Force
  • Keep Distance from the Attacker
  • Stick in Attackers Vision - Feet away from attacker


No Sticks


Stick and Ball (No Tackling)

Stick and Ball Tackling

Add Gates for Points if Desired

Set Up

  • 15-20yd grid x 10yd; 2yd mirror sone in the middle

How to Play

  • A and D Line Up on opposite sides of the grid
  • They run up to the mirror zone (D may not step into the zone with feet, stick may be in the zone

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mirror Comp

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mirror Comp
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Mirror Comp


Coaching Points:

  • Staggered Feet on Defense to maintain mobility
  • Right Shoulder to Right Shoulder to Force Strong
  • Stick on Turf, in Vision of Defender
  • Left Hand Away from Body

Set Up

  • Set up 3 Gates 2yds wide
  • Make a No-Zone for the Defender (1.5yds x 10yds wide)
How to Play
  • D and A run toward the No Step Zone
  • The A runs side to side and the D mirrors A
  • D may not step in zone, but there stick can be in the zone
  • D tries to stay right shoulder to right shoulder with attacker
  • A may exit the No Step Zone, and tries to run toward the gate
  • Keep track of points A scores. Then switch attack and defense
Progressions:1. No Stick or Ball, just running/mirroring2. Add Stick, No Tackling D; Attack starts with the ball3. Add Two Balls in No Step Zone - A can choose which ball4. Add Tackling; D can score 2pts for winning the ball and carrying into No Step Zone

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Closing

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Closing
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Coaching Points

  • Close the Space on the release of the pass
  • Decelerate at appropriate distance from attacker with staggered feet 
  • Absorb attackers speed, stay mobile
  • Channel / Force a specific direction
  • Keep Stick on the turf, in attackers vision, left hand in front of feet, below knee
How to Play
  • P passes to A. A can move anywhere on green line to receive ball
  • Coach can choose a starting position for D. Coach assigns points to each yellow square goal. one goal is worth 1pt, and the other 0 points
  • On the pass, D closes. And forces to the 0 point goal.
  • if a goalkeeper, the goalkeeper chooses a goal and attempts to double team.
  • no sticks for attack
  • sticks, but no tackling

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Robbers

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Robbers
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Set Up

A small area with boundary (depends on space and numbers)

Every player has a ball except for 1-2 players

The Robbers (without the ball) are trying to steal the ball from the other players using tackling skills

The goal is to have a ball after a minute

After you play the game, revisit a tackling skill or 1v1 D concept and play again

(you can train specific skills by only allowing a certain type of tackle)

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Forehand Tackling

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Forehand Tackling
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Forehand Tackling

Tackle-back - Shave and Steal

Coaching Points

  • Match attackers speed
  • Stick on turf, hand below knee
  • Put stick between attacker ball and body
  • smooth through ball
  • curl out with ball

How to Play

  • A dribbles away from goal, D tackles back and executes skill, and goes to goal
  • D stays for the next ball on baseline

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

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