Futsal Session (Junior): Juniors - Session 2 (Series B)

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James Kavanagh

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James Kavanagh
Name: James Kavanagh
City: Sacramento
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pinnie Tag

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pinnie Tag
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Pinnie Tag (15 mins)

Activity Name: Piny Tag

Activity Description: Arrange players in the area each player with a ball. Give several players pinnies to hold in their hands. When the coach says go all players dribble around and if you are holding a piny you try to throw it and hit another player with it. If you get hit you pick the piny up and chase someone else. Play for a set time and at the end of that time the players holding pinnies do a fun punishment (i.e. donkey kicks, star jumps, Australian push-ups, sing a song) 

Coaching Points:

Make sure you point out coaching points of dribbling.

Try to introduce different turns in the game. Encourage players to use these turns to get away from the players with the pinnies.

Remind the players that they need to keep the ball under control.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Run The Gauntlet

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Run The Gauntlet
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Run The Gauntlet (15 mins)

Activity Name: Run the gauntlet.

Description: One player dribbles the ball. The player tries to get past the two defenders positioned on the lines in the area. Defenders can only move side to side, not forwards or backwards.

Regardless of whether or not the player with the ball is successful, they go to the other end and wait for all players to go. Once everyone is down on the other end, players in the middle turn around and then dribblers go back the opposite way. Switch middle players every couple of minutes.

IMPORTANT: Before going into the activity have the players stand on one side of the area. Demonstrate some attacking moves players could use...side-step, scissors, Matthews, etc. Show them some of these skills and have them copy you.

Coaching Points:

- Dribble with laces and with ball under control.

- Use attacking move to fake defender out.

- Change of speed...slow, then accelerate.

- Timing of move - do not get too close.

- Try to create space - dribble on one angle and then attack the other angle.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game
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Final Game (15 mins)

Regular 5 v 5 - Final Game - No restrictions - Reinforce session topic.

- Encourage players to setup in a 3-1.

- Be sure to introduce players to the correct futsal positions (GK, Fixo, Right & Left Ala, Pivot).

- Use futsal rules - 1 passback to GK, 4 second rule on sidelines, kick-ins, corners.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button