Marcus Watt
Name: | Marcus Watt |
City: | The Woodlands |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Title: 8v6 Find the free player & dribble to attract (8:00 - 8:20)
Aim: Put players in a setting where they're dribbling to attract an opponent in attempt to take advantage of a gap / space behind. Paint the picture of our 8 & 10's driving at a back four after we've built up by finding the free player. If we don't have a numerical advantage in midfield. 9's or wingbacks.
Organization: Put players in a setting where they're dribbling to attract an opponent in attempt to take advantage of a gap / space behind. Paint the picture of our 8 & 10's driving at a back four after we've built up by finding the free player.
Coaching script / Plan for failure:
8:05 - Players will fail in their decision making of when to release the pass. Discuss having courage to dribble at the opponent, using deception to freeze the opponent before connecting with your team mate.
8:10 - Players will fail to hit each others feet (6,8's,10) & the ball will turnover. Discuss the demand of hitting feet and valuing the ball, settling the ball playing two touch, using our front foot, inside of foot or trapping the ball.
8:15 - 9's will fail to check to the ball or run behind the line - discuss our attacking principals, 9's need to be mentally engaged, if they check when the ball is in their channel, what have they created? What's the next movement?
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Title: Play 8v8 (8:20 - 8:45)
Aim: Put players in a setting where they're dribbling to attract an opponent in attempt to take advantage of a gap / space behind. Paint the picture of our 8 & 10's driving at a back four after we've built up by finding the free player. If we don't have a numerical advantage in midfield. 9's or wingbacks.
Organization: Play 8v9
Coaching Points: - Limited - Coach individual player actions / coaching points within the session.
7:15 - When it occurs - Players will fail to use deception to find the free player - coach how to use your body & eyes to fool opponent. Discuss how we 'create a gap' to get our ten on the ball. If opponent man marks 10 - where is the space, who do we find.
Situational Training / Questions: We're 1-0 down and need a goal - what system do we use and how does our method to goal change? We get a man sent off early whats the plan?
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Aim: Game Prep
Organization: Print Keynote Document
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Dribble to attract 2v1
Title: Dribble to attract 2v1 (7:45 - 8:00)
Aim: Put players in a setting where they're dribbling to attract an opponent in attempt to take advantage of a gap / space behind. Paint the picture of our 8 & 10's driving at a back four after we've built up by finding the free player. If we don't have a numerical advantage in midfield. 9's or wingbacks.
Organization: Players play 2v1 for 3X4 minute rounds. Swap size every 4 minutes. Ball starts with 8 first round, 10 second round.
Plan for failure / coaching script:
7:49 - natural stoppage - Players will fail in their decision making of when to release the pass. Discuss having courage to dribble at the opponent, using deception to freeze the opponent before connecting with your team mate.
7:53 - Freeze - Players will fail by giving up possession when driving at opponent - discuss performing deception early and not allowing the opponent to get too close - concentrate and recognize this moment
7:56 - When it occurs - players will fail to curve their run to ensure they're onside - discuss the communication needed between team mates, body language, think and play, the final third is the most difficult part of the game.